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Age 22 Considering HT...Need your advice

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Hi, I have been reading tons and tons of information on this forum but this is my first post.


When I turned 18 I noticed my hairline was getting a little bit thinner but I didnt really think anything of it. I was always complemented on my cool hair (I spiked it or wore it up)


Now I am almost 22 and my hairline at my temples has receded noticeably. I've been using Rogaine and Propecia for about 2 years, and it has slowed the progression (I think).


I wear my hair down always now, and every single follicle has to be in place or else I get self conscious. I still have enough hair that I dont really look like a "balding" person, but I wear a hat very frequently. As you can see I have no balding whatsoever near the crown of my head.


My grandfather and uncle on my father's side are bald, my father is not. My grandfather on my mothers side had a receding hairline but never went fully bald.


I have seen numerous doctors in both California and Arizona and am considering getting about 2800 grafts with Dr. Alexander in Phoenix. He warned me that there is really no way to predict future hair loss.


Probably even more upsetting than the hair loss itself is how much I am letting it affect me. If I get a HT will I be completely satisfied? and for how long? I dont really want to "chase" the baldness with numerous procedures...but I also feel I dont look good with a shaved head.


In short, I could really use some advice. Please read the above and look at the pictures I've provided and give me some honest feedback. Thank you

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  • Senior Member

UAN, Firstly, Dr. Alexander is a great choice for an HT and you are on the right track. That being said, i think you might want to wait a few years to see where your balding progresses to. I realize this is very tough, especially for a guy in his early 20s. Continue to do your research and make sure you really understand what you're getting yourself into. Best of luck and keep us updated.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I did it when I was 23 (last year), it was a life-changing experience. Mine was with Dr. Sharon Keene. Even if you don't get everything you want in your first surgery, it will significantly improve your quality of life.


Some advice, if you are getting the HT make sure you use rogaine and propecia, because if you don't you're just wasting your time and money.


I am considering getting another one done pretty soon, to make it more dense. But my self confidence has gone up unbelievably, and I even cut my hair very short now.


Hope this helps,




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  • Senior Member

Dude, you're too young for a HT !!


Do a search and look in the "repair" sections of sites like this one. You will find a significant # of guys your age who were happy with their HT until a few years later when the rest of the hair fell out behind the hairline.


You MUST be prepared to go back for additional surgeries in the future, which means you MUST KNOW that you will have the $$ put aside for this !! Otherwise, being bald will seem like a hallowed lost birthright compared to looking like a FREAK of nature!!!


Others may disagree with me, but I believe anybody under 30 is definitely NOT a good cantidate for a HT. Why ? Because for a LARGE % of guys who become Norwood 6/7 the major period of loss occurs from age 25-35.


Get your donor examined by a top HT doc and see how many FUs you have in the donor bank BEFORE you go any further into this. If you have 7000-9000 FUs back there and your scalp laxity is good enough, then (and ONLY then)should you start considering a HT!!

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Thank you guys for your input so far...I just talked to someone that works at the surgeon's office saying that if I take Propecia (and I have been for 2 years) That I should not lose any more hair. I have looked at pics from myself 2 years ago when I started taking propecia and my hairloss has not advanced at all. What are the chances that if I have this procedure I wont need another for say, 5 years? 10 years? Please give me some feedback

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  • Senior Member

Some advice for you: I wanted a transplant when I was 23 and was told by surgeons and this forum to hold off. I've stayed loyal to the surgeons and people on this forum to wait a few years (am 27 now). They also told me to get on Finasteride (propecia) over a year ago which I did.


Just keep styling your hair so the receding areas aren't noticeable. That's what I've been doing and once it's impossible for me to do it I will then do FUE.


I've actually been told that a 1,500 graft fue procedure isn't a bad thing for me now. I'm considering it for the summer.


The choice you must take is "do you want to play catch up all your life with the hairs you lose?" I still haven't decided.


Just for piece of mine that not all surgeons will tell you to hold off in your lower 20's... When I was 23, Dr. Armani told me through e-mail that 3,500 grafts would be ideal for me. It would also lower my hairline 2-3 cm. At 23 I probably would have gone through with it if it wasn't for this forum! I was immature and probably would have financed the whole procedure. Be careful!


If you look on this forum you will see how many guys heads he destroyed. I'd listen to a coalition doctor!

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