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Should I do FUT or FUE with Hasson?

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I am being given the option of both. FUE would yield 4k and probably cover the front and part of the mid. Most likely, the crown won’t get any more coverage. FUT could yield 5k+ and has a higher probability of getting some crown coverage in. They are confirming my laxity. I really want to do this one time, not multiple. I usually have a 0 fade and realize I would have to trade a fade for crown coverage. But I think it’s worth it. What should I do? Going to H&W.


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14 minutes ago, radioregime said:

I am being given the option of both. FUE would yield 4k and probably cover the front and part of the mid. Most likely, the crown won’t get any more coverage. FUT could yield 5k+ and has a higher probability of getting some crown coverage in. They are confirming my laxity. I really want to do this one time, not multiple. I usually have a 0 fade and realize I would have to trade a fade for crown coverage. But I think it’s worth it. What should I do? Going to H&W.


FUE can be spread over 2 consecutive days, did you ask them if perhaps 5k grafts over 2days is good idea in your case?

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Age (are you younger than 30)? Do you suffer sides from medication and do you have a history of Norwood 5+ in your family? If you answer yes to the above, I think you should really reconsider trying to force this into a one and done. 

People on the forum that had FUT usually cite that its benefits include:

  1. Maximizing your lifetime grafts; 
  2. Cost savings (assuming this is a factor)
  3. You want to harvest more in one go (this one is debatable these days and it depends on the doctor's preferences)...

If you are insistent on one transplant only, that defeats the purpose of 1). I'd probably do what @civicrecommends and ask for two days of FUE, which might even yield more than 5k grafts. With the high number of grafts taken, I don't think a 0 fade is going to look great in the donor either, though it's less noticeable than the scar. 

If I were you, I'd prob aim for two surgeries a year apart if you could -- something like 4k FUT now (or whatever you max it at out now) and an FUE down the line once the FUT is maxed (if future loss is likely) or alternatively 3k FUE / 3k FUE if you prefer that route. 

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This really is a personal preference at the end of the day. The reality is if your Laxity allows, that you will have greater lifetime grafts going FUT first. If you're on a very strong prevention regime, the need for more would be less of a concern. After 4k via FUE your donor would definitely look less dense, is another thing to consider. Also Dr Wong once said in his opinion, doing an FUT then later filling in the scar with FUE grafts will look superior ultimately. Hasson might think differently but this really does come back to a you decision


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I am close to 40. I haven’t tried any meds before. I think I would be willing to change my hairstyle to cover the scar as opposed to changing my hairstyle to cover the crown. What guard length would be the shortest to cover FUT scars? Like a 3 or something? Or maybe I could pull off a low fade if the scar is high and the barber is good? The scar is really the only downside to FUT right? I can do FUE in the future if the FUT comes up short?


I will ask about back to back FUE for more yield. Thanks so much for the replies.

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8 hours ago, HairRun said:


  1. Maximizing your lifetime grafts; 


Does FUT still have higher yield than FUE? I thought that wasn't the case with improved techniques. 

I'm not certain about the improved techniques. If I'm not mistaken, H&W, Eugenix, and Pitella seem to think the FUE can yield as much as FUT over life.

However, both Shapiro/Jospheits believe you can yield 3k+ more lifetime grafts with FUT first. Konior is also in agreement mentioning around 2k more lifetime grafts, depending on the individual characteristics. 

While I respect all of the doctors here, I think I trust the judgement of the second group slightly more, as they are experts in both and still continue to utilize them on a consistent basis (despite FUE being a more lucrative method generally). 

That said, if you have BHT, the extra 2 - 3k may not strictly be necessary. Doctors have gotten better about making the donor depletion look more uniform imo, so large FUE don't look as harsh there now. 

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Ultimately, I think choosing one or the other based on the above really depends on how concerned you are about scarring.  Today, in the hands of a skilled surgeon, FUE can produce results on par with FUT. However, the clear and distinct difference between them is related to scarring. Now, both can produce minimal scarring however, FUT/strip will create a linear scar that can become visible the shorter you wear your hair on the sides and back of your scalp.  FUE scarring however, is usually virtually undetectable even when hair is worn exceptionally short.

in the above scenario however, it’s clear that you can undergo a larger session with FUT which is certainly going to benefit you given your Norwood class.  But, you can always go back for a subsequent procedure to obtain more density and coverage with FUE if you go that route.

At the end of the day, both procedures can provide you with the results you’re looking for. Most new patients Whove never undergone any hair surgery prefer F you we for obvious reasons. However, there certainly can be circumstant situations where FUT is preferred.

Best of luck,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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1 hour ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:Now, both can produce minimal scarring however, FUT/strip will create a linear scar that can become visible the shorter you wear your hair on the sides and back of your scalp.  FUE scarring however, is usually virtually undetectable even when hair is worn exceptionally short.


Thank you for this advice! In your experience, how long do you need to keep your hair to cover / hide FUT scars? Like what guard length or hair length?

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