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Help! Shock loss ruined my hairline

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I had a transplant and the doctor for some reason put hairs in between my hairline and it has comepletley ruined my hair.

It was growing out really well but everything must have fallen out as rather than getting better the hairline has got worse and now looks like stribg.

Really at a loss as to what to do

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  • Senior Member
5 minutes ago, mman21uk said:


I had a transplant and the doctor for some reason put hairs in between my hairline and it has comepletley ruined my hair.

It was growing out really well but everything must have fallen out as rather than getting better the hairline has got worse and now looks like stribg.

Really at a loss as to what to do

sorry to hear that, but we'd need to see some pics in order to help

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  • Senior Member

What do you mean, he put hair in and around the existing hair? Didn't you discuss what was going to be done prior to the procedure? You make it sound as if this is a total surprise to you. The instruments used are sharp and sometimes, inadvertently, he can give you a haircut, other times, it could be shedding due to the trauma of the surgery. Perhaps this is just normal shedding which happens naturally and at random. Regardless, give it time. Typically, all of this will return along with the transplanted hair in 3-4 months. Did you do PRP along with the procedure? What medical regimen, if any, are you doing to help you with retention?

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Sorry to hear that. the doctor might have placed hair in the hairline to add density as it is pretty common but not sure why he/she wouldnt inform you before hand.

Need more before /after pics to be sure though. I guess you need to get a consultation from a good doctor. I am also planning to go for haairline density increase but incidents like these make me nervous and apprehensive

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