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Question regarding Dr. Bicer

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So I am strongly considering going to Dr. Bicer for my hair transplant. I would classify myself on the norwood scale as close to norwood 3 vertex. My main concern is that I've read before on here that Bicer does only the hairline or the crown at one time, not both. So that would mean that if I need some grafts placed at the hairline and at the crown as well, I'll have to fly all the way to Istanbul not once, but twice. Is there any truth to this at all or is she able to work on both hairline and crown at once? Thanks

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  • Valued Contributor
15 hours ago, zorro153 said:

So I am strongly considering going to Dr. Bicer for my hair transplant. I would classify myself on the norwood scale as close to norwood 3 vertex. My main concern is that I've read before on here that Bicer does only the hairline or the crown at one time, not both. So that would mean that if I need some grafts placed at the hairline and at the crown as well, I'll have to fly all the way to Istanbul not once, but twice. Is there any truth to this at all or is she able to work on both hairline and crown at once? Thanks

Surely this is a question best asked of Dr Bicer herself? No one on this forum can reliably tell you what she would suggest in your specific case.

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  • Senior Member
19 hours ago, zorro153 said:

So I am strongly considering going to Dr. Bicer for my hair transplant. I would classify myself on the norwood scale as close to norwood 3 vertex. My main concern is that I've read before on here that Bicer does only the hairline or the crown at one time, not both. So that would mean that if I need some grafts placed at the hairline and at the crown as well, I'll have to fly all the way to Istanbul not once, but twice. Is there any truth to this at all or is she able to work on both hairline and crown at once? Thanks

why dont you ask the doctor about that ? Every doctor can do 2 parts at once depending on the specific case. 

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It all depends on the case. In some cases there might be donor limitations so the areas of priority are done first. In some cases there might be a worry that the crown might expand and that can look weird if transplanted and the the borders continue thinning. In other cases there might be extraction limits for each practice. 

Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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