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Weird question about saving money from HT

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I've read a lot about HT's, but I'm not an expert and yesterday I thought about something, so I would like other opinions.

Maybe I'm wrong, but from my experience the most difficult parts of the HT are the hairline and crown. And that is also where the best surgeons make a difference.
So, is it a good option to go to someone like Couto, Ferreira, Bisanga for those specific parts, who will charge you more, but then go to someone cheaper like Yaman for example (who is also a very good surgeon) for filling the middle of the scalp?

Would you consider doing things that way or when you have a surgeon you trust, you will always go to him for the second/third/fourth transplant?


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  • Senior Member

Totally valid question, imo.

For the longest time my "dream plan" was to get the standard 5k grafts that ASMED seemed to dole out to near everyone, then employing an expensive perfectionist like Dr. Konior to make my new cookie-cutter hairline look more soft and natural with his artistic touch.

Like many others, I'm currently gaga over Eugenix as they seem to excel in ALL areas while still being somewhat affordable to me.

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  • Senior Member

I think you do not want to play Russian roulette with any part of your procedure/procedures . Because donor work is extremely important , almost as important as the transplant in the Hairline/Crown . 

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