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Is is safe to dye our hair rather than applying natural colors?


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Hi everyone recently I have been dying my hair since it looks good rather than applying natural colors. But since doing some research I got to know that there are too many chances of hair damage and hair fall. But I have never experienced this.

I want to know what are others view on this.

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  • Senior Member

When you say "natural" colors, I'm assuming you mean the range people are naturally born with like red/brown/black/blonde. And the dyes are un-natural colors like blue, green, purple etc. Haven't thought about it or tried to look into it until just now. Search results from some reputable sources came up below, try to stick with sources like that and medical professionals. Be careful trying to do onlne research, there's good information out there but alot more bad information you have to sift through to find it.



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