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Think I'm Balding? Pretty big Bald Spot...


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I've always had long hair and it has always seemed thick. But I never have bothered to look on the top of my head. A couple of days ago it felt like it was think on top so I took a picture and there is a large bald spot.


I am 25 and have curly hair. There is a lot of baldness on my mom's side.


Any opinion much appreciated.


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I think it's just your crown with hair twirling clockwise leaving you with a noticeable crown but it doesn't really show any signs of real hairloss to me. Maybe some thinning at most.You can always start a lifelong usage of minoxidil if it's bothering you in some way and think you are starting to bald in your crown area. Many people use minox preventative and hair growth beneficially so that would be your first tryout I guess.

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running X 2,


From the pictures, I would argue that you are experiencing the beginning signs of male pattern baldness starting at the crown. If you want an official diagnoses, consult a dermatologist and let him evaluate your scalp under magnification.


Those who start treating androgenetic alopecia with Propecia and/or Rogaine (genetic baldness) early typically have a good chance at saving a lot of their hair and quite possibly, regrowing some.


I hope this helps.



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