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Finasteride Vs. Another surgery

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Good day guys,
Can I compensate NOT using Finasteride after first surgery with another one in the future( if any )? Or we are destined to use this drug for the rest of our lives? *I have an excellent donor area + Never user any medications for hair loss *


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No one has a crystal ball that's going to go from 'can' to 'will.' It depends on how vulnerable your hair follicles are uniquely programmed to be sensitive to DHT based on your genetics, and how late in your life you get your transplants. The later the better so your doctor has less guess work. But ultimately there will always be guess work because we don't know everything about the underlying causes of hairloss. If you're willing to use concealers like hair fibers to help bridge the gap between hair transplants, or when you can no longer have any more transplants because your donor gets tapped out, that can help you achieve the illusion of a full head of hair until the end of your days.

If you've tried finasteride and got side effects, whether real or imagined, you have my sympathies. But if you haven't yet and are hesitant because you've read some of the mountains of bull$hit online by a small loud minority I'd advise you to try to disregard that and go see your doctor to advise and monitor you. There are some guys that are lucky enough to get through life without the meds, but if you care enough about keeping your hair to undergo surgeries you owe it to yourself to give the meds a legitimate try. 

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  • Regular Member
10 hours ago, ciaus said:

No one has a crystal ball that's going to go from 'can' to 'will.' It depends on how vulnerable your hair follicles are uniquely programmed to be sensitive to DHT based on your genetics, and how late in your life you get your transplants. The later the better so your doctor has less guess work. But ultimately there will always be guess work because we don't know everything about the underlying causes of hairloss. If you're willing to use concealers like hair fibers to help bridge the gap between hair transplants, or when you can no longer have any more transplants because your donor gets tapped out, that can help you achieve the illusion of a full head of hair until the end of your days.

If you've tried finasteride and got side effects, whether real or imagined, you have my sympathies. But if you haven't yet and are hesitant because you've read some of the mountains of bull$hit online by a small loud minority I'd advise you to try to disregard that and go see your doctor to advise and monitor you. There are some guys that are lucky enough to get through life without the meds, but if you care enough about keeping your hair to undergo surgeries you owe it to yourself to give the meds a legitimate try. 

I have made another post with my pictures, I hope you give me your comment there. Thanks.

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