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FUE with Bisanga Jan 21


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Hello, been following the forum for about 2 years now and can’t begin to describe the amount of useful and helpful information that has been provided. So I figured I’d post my experience moving forward.
age: 28

loss: began around 21, temple recession and thinning to frontal 1/3

therapy: fin 1mg oral / minox topical daily

hair type: fine hair / blonde 

goals: restore a mature realistic hairline and maintain meds 

Scheduled for surgery in January with dr Bisanga on Brussels. Am USA based so some tips pointers outside of what has been said are always welcomed. Job allows me to wear a ball cap so after initial healing period I’m not really concerned. Main question would be at what stage would you consider it safe to wear a hat and at what point are the grafts completely secured. Definitely noticed a true difference in the year I’ve been taking meds at slowing and almost completely stopping the loss and thinning. Here is where I am after meds for a year.








Edited by Nolocks
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Hi @Nolocks

Your January surgery will be in here in no time.
Great that you have your regimen of medication in place that will be influential over the longer term and as you have said has already taken effect in terms of stabilisation.

The clinic will provide a bandana post surgery that we would request you wear for the first 3 days post surgery when outside. From there you are good to wear a loose baseball style cap with enough "air space" to not have any direct contact with your recipient and newly placed grafts.

The first 7 days in terms of post operative care and healing whilst quite straightforward, it is important to follow instructions provided when at the clinic, and then days 8+ post surgery you will be encouraged to work scabs off with gentle massaging. Your grafts are safe and secure at this point.

We look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Well surgery is just 2 days away, as I depart for Belgium tomorrow. I have buzzed my hair down to about 6mm in length in preparation and I have to say I don’t hate it. Would likely consider wearing a shorter style following the procedure. Im eager to get this started at this point. 

any previous Bisanga patients have any recommendations on daily eats/ routine post surgery? I’ll be staying for 6 days post op and leaving on the 7th day. I’ll be sure to start a new thread post op to detail everything. Cheers!



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