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My Hair Restoration Journey - Grade 3V - 2772 grafts @ Eugenix |

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Hello Everyone,

I come from the city of Hyderabad in India and have spent a good 10-15 years in Japan and Singapore as well. My hairline started to recede in my late 20s itself, however, I always thought that it would never go beyond my frontal and mid scalp area as that’s how it was for my father and grandfather too, they were bald only from the front. But I was alarmed when my crown also started to thin out ten years back and people began to spot and point that out to me.

I considered PRP therapy as it was being heavily advertised everywhere but didn’t go for it. Started doing some research over the internet where I found this YouTuber by the name of Ravi Vide who is a wellness educator. In one of his videos, he mentioned about Hair Transplant Network and advised viewers to go through the list of the best hair transplant clinics mentioned there. That’s where I found Eugenix and subsequently their YouTube channel which was an eye-opener as it helped me realize how a successful hair transplant surgery cannot be taken for granted, how so many clinics worldwide often mislead their patients by not stressing upon how the donor area can be messed up forever if over harvested. Basically, through Eugenix I became aware of the nitty-gritty of a hair transplant procedure.

I contacted them in October by sending my pictures for evaluation. Mr Anurag, their medical consultant, helped me become even more educated about the procedure, recommended finasteride and took me through all the details of it. I reached a day prior for my pre-operative procedure and was happy with their prompt and immediate service at each step. Although I had submitted my blood work beforehand but one of the blood tests was found to be missing which was also arranged by the counselor at a very short notice.

On the day of my surgery, the driver picked me up from my hotel at 8 AM sharp. The planning and designing session with Dr Arika couldn’t have been better. She designed the hairline which looked pitch perfect, I was very happy since it was to my satisfaction. More importantly, after the surgery I could see that the hairline was created exactly like how it was planned. The entire surgery was a pleasant experience and all the technicians were very courteous. The only few instances when I felt some amount of pain was due to the pricking when I was injected with local anesthesia.

Their post-surgery follow-up team contacted me the next day itself and has been in regular touch since then. Overall, I would like to advise that patients considering a hair transplant procedure need to look beyond the cost because if done wrong, the after-effects can be devastating and irreversible. One should rather not take that plunge on the basis of cost-saving else it might compromise you donor forever.












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