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SMP - Oral Minoxidil and Dutasteride


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Hello world,

I have been taking Dutasteride 0.5MG EOD since February 2021 and Oral Minoxidil 2.5MG ED since April 2021 but I always shave my head due to SMP and I am a NW5. 
I am having a 3000 FUE transplant next week at a place in the Bay Area and was told to allow my hair to grow for a week before the surgery. I decided to grow it out for two weeks because I am curious  to see if there’s any hair growth. I allowed it to grow in the past for a few days before I shaving my hair again and noticed tiny thin hairs that never thickened. I still see the tiny thin hairs and I see so much of them. I am curious to know if these hairs will ever thicken or if it’s just old hairs waiting to die off?

I bought one of those cheap Bluetooth microscopes and can take some pics if you like since taking a photo would be hard to see with the SMP


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Whether those miniaturized hairs thicken will depend on a number of factors including your individual response to dut and oral minox. Your age, length of time those hairs have been in that state, genetics - all will play a part in how those hairs respond to those meds. If you are going for a HT, then those meds will be beneficial for reducing shock loss and further miniaturization of the donor area.

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Thanks for the reply. I don’t think these hairs will thicken or grow as it looks the same as when I grew my hair out for a week during the lockdowns. I am not sure if I just need time to allow it to grow longer or if one week is king enough. Either way, I will ask the ht doctor next week if he can see any new growth. 
I attached photos of what it looks like. To me it just looks hair breakage and thinning hair  4087F0A2-B959-4A43-A842-9054BD6BE95F.thumb.jpeg.d96bb29c0129926af7e8f2c286aa367d.jpeg



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