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propecia and damaging hariline ??


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  • Regular Member

Hi all..Over a year ago i started to work out pretty hard and a couple months in I noticed a dramatic receding of my frontal hairline. Nothing major as I am still a 2.5 but It was thinning quickly. I chalked it up to icnrease in testosterone from working out. So I reduced my wieght lifting and started generic propecia. The hairloss continued for teh next couple months and i read how propecia can make u lose your hairline while regrowing or stoping loss on top..so i stopped Propecia...things settled down but recently I noticed a continued receding hairline so i figured what the heck and got back on propecia...I take 1.5 mg every other day.


Does anyone have personal experience to say whether propecia dos actually increase hairline loss even though its proven to reduce recession on top? I know the two areas of hair are more susceptible to either test or dht...



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  • Regular Member

Hi all..Over a year ago i started to work out pretty hard and a couple months in I noticed a dramatic receding of my frontal hairline. Nothing major as I am still a 2.5 but It was thinning quickly. I chalked it up to icnrease in testosterone from working out. So I reduced my wieght lifting and started generic propecia. The hairloss continued for teh next couple months and i read how propecia can make u lose your hairline while regrowing or stoping loss on top..so i stopped Propecia...things settled down but recently I noticed a continued receding hairline so i figured what the heck and got back on propecia...I take 1.5 mg every other day.


Does anyone have personal experience to say whether propecia dos actually increase hairline loss even though its proven to reduce recession on top? I know the two areas of hair are more susceptible to either test or dht...



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  • Regular Member

I wouldn't think finasteride would cause hairline loss, but I know it isn't effective at stopping it.


It could just be then that your frontal loss is progressing as it would with or without the drug, but it's more obvious there as you aren't losing it at the back?

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