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Shock loss Question


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  • Regular Member

Could someone explain shock loss. Does it refer to the newly transplanted hair or the existing hair at or near the donor area? Does the existing hair fall out as a result of SHOCK from the HT? If the hair starts to fall out will it grow back?

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  • Regular Member

Could someone explain shock loss. Does it refer to the newly transplanted hair or the existing hair at or near the donor area? Does the existing hair fall out as a result of SHOCK from the HT? If the hair starts to fall out will it grow back?

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  • Senior Member

Altair, the answer to all your questions is "YES"!


Shockloss happens to both donor hair and existing hair. It can happen in the graft recipient area, and the donor area.


Shockloss hair generally grows back. But this is dependant on a few things.

If the existing hair in the recipient area was programmed to be lost due to MPB, then odds are won't grow back. The trauma to the area had excellerated it. But it will grow back if it is still very healthy.

But, don't count that as a fact, because if the trauma to the area is great, then scarring and the trauma itself may kill the follicals. * Important reason to choice a top Dr. skilled in this trade.


Also, the transplanted hair, usually fall's out to shockloss, due to the trauma of graft moval. This grows back in almost most cases. Which makes getting a HT a success. But, again if the trauma to the area is great, then scarring and the trauma itself may kill the follicals.


So intale, Shockloss is a loss of hair due to trauma to the area. Whether it is your donor area or recpient hair.


Welcome to the most stressful time of HT!! The initial wait after shockloss!!

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  • Senior Member

There is a lot about shock loss we don't know.

A lot of the answers to shock loss questions are "it depends..." or "Maybe".


Do a search on this website Shock Loss or Shock Fallout, and when you get the your search results, look for the replys that were made in the "Ask A Doctor" section, for a medical perspective. A quick search got me this thread, there are many others:



Since there is hardly ever anything new under the sun, it helps to rely on he Search tools heavily. Log in first, in my past experience that affected my results (not sure if that is true with the new software here). The Search button here is near the top of the screen.

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  • Senior Member

"The Search button here is near the top of the screen."


It is right under the "Find" button. It acts similar to an internet search engine that is specific to the discussion forums' archives.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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