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Post Ugly-Ducking Phase Shedding?

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Hi guys, I’m just a week under 4 months after my FUE at HLC to restore the frontal third (NW3).

Month 2-3 showed crazy early growth (and I kept a lot of the transplanted hairs that never shed and just kept growing). From month 3 to 4, I didn’t see much growth. Might have even lost ground  and I’ve seen a lot of shedding the past two weeks which concerns me. 

I kinda assumed that after the ugly duckling phase you just keep growing! My friend who had a HT before said he had a second shed at 3 months and third at 6 months. I wanted to see if any of you guys have experienced this?


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It truly takes 3-4 months for the graft to "re-establish" itself.  The hair will then start growing, very thin to start and mature at about the 12 month period. Sometimes this can take up 1o 18 months.  From time to time the hair will continue growing from the get go but not often.  So you should not be seeing anything at this point.  Could you have experienced a bit of shock loss? Perhaps.  Typically this will will also return at about the 3-4 month period.  What you are experiencing is normal.  Take a set of photos and take another at 1 year. It is just too early.

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Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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36 minutes ago, giegnosiganoe said:

I think it's pretty rare to shed between months 3-4 - haven't really noticed that in any of my research. Can you share pics?

Yeah I haven’t shedded much since week 7. But the last week or 2, I kept seeing hairs in the sink and bathtub, and my tub actually clogged lol. Hasn’t happened since before HT when I had long hair.

Ill attached some photos. It’s hard to judge because now that my native hair is gettin longer it covers the recipient area. To see it I have to lift up the hairs behind it (which I didn’t in the earlier photos).

Month 2


Month 3


Current (1 week from Month 4)2B690008-D74A-4794-A4CE-32476B57A746.thumb.jpeg.c4b7772c267e9b844a355ad012669026.jpeg

it feels as if this gap in the middle wasn’t so thin before (but maybe I just didn’t check as often until now)?

Edited by Vertighost
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You look wayyy ahead of the curve to me. That spot is probably growing on a normal time frame compared to the rest, for whatever reason. Many people have weaker spots that fill in over time - I was skeptical of this (thinking the weaker spots would stay thin) until I saw it happen to myself.

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This is looking great for only 4 months. I wouldn't worry about any thin areas at this point. Just let it grow for a few more months.

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(formerly BeHappy)

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Thanks guys! Yeah it’s crazy. You’d think that after years of going thru so many progress threads and knowing exactly what to expect at every point in the growth timeline, I’d be able to just chill out and be patient when it’s my turn. Though I’m sure many of y’all can relate haha.

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