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Dr B Farjo 2200g FUT

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This patient recently re appeared 6 years after his surgery as he had been working abroad.

Although he has been on Finasteride his hair has remained good except for the crown opening up a bit.

He will be addressing this shortly and i can add a full set of pictures from the post operative perspective at that stage.DSC06205c.thumb.jpg.17942ac1c33487c08cea275817873066.jpg






MF (2).jpg

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Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Very nice, huge difference and natural too.ย 

ย 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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