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Graft half sticking out?

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Is it possible for half the graft to come out..I am 5 days post op and I notice one of the grafts is sorta about 2.5mm sticking seated out of my head..if I pull it Im sure the whole graft will come out. I cant push it back in..Im not even really sure if it is the graft but it looks like the implanted graft. If I leave it will this still grow and watever part of the graft sticking out will dry up and fall off leaving the rest growing....



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  • Regular Member

Is it possible for half the graft to come out..I am 5 days post op and I notice one of the grafts is sorta about 2.5mm sticking seated out of my head..if I pull it Im sure the whole graft will come out. I cant push it back in..Im not even really sure if it is the graft but it looks like the implanted graft. If I leave it will this still grow and watever part of the graft sticking out will dry up and fall off leaving the rest growing....



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On the left side of my head they all did that. My doc said that the skin was thinner and after all the dead skin fell off they would eventually be flush with my head....and they are. I was very scared though for a week or so.

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  • Regular Member

Hi I hope everything is ok . I had one of my grafts grow out with the new one under it. This looks like a spilt hair but its the graft still attach to the growing hair. I am two months post op and in the waiting phase. I have some of the grafths still there and seem to be growing, but I lost most of them. So I know how it feels to lose one of them. I started losing my hair around 25 years old and it went slowly dropping off my head. I am now 36 and was glad I had most of my hair past my 20s and to my early 30s. This does hurt, but to get the guts to go and do somthing about it that takes alot and to find the right doctor for the job and save all the money to do so. Then when you are in the seat having this done and to walk out with more hair on your head then when you came in to the office and go home and look in the mirror to see this person you once known is truly a gift. Then you wake up a few days later only to see most of those hairs falling out once agian is a strange feelling but this site is here to reasure that the best is yet to come and you will be that guy you once known all over again. I myself cant wait to see the great results that alot of people have gotten from this journey that were on. I had 2623 gafths done and if one fell off the grid its not the end and you will be fine so hang in there and keep an eye on those soldiers.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the encouraging words icon_smile.gif It 2 weeks post op now and what was the graft as actually dead skin and scab which Im really glad. Most of my graft hairs are still there....and all the scabs have fallen off...The area still looks thin although there is a better coverage, Im afraid this is the best that is will get!!! anyone actually feel like the HT was very thin and grafts didnt seem enough judging by the scabs you can actually estimate the density. Anyone have an experience here you thought this density was lacking but was pleasantly surprised by the results?

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Hang in there - you are only 2 weeks post op - there is no way you can know for sure how it will look 10 months from now. First of all - you are saying that the area looks thin - of course it does - most hair falls out during the frist month, only to start returning in month 4-5 or so. Also as time goes on your transplanted hair will become thicker in diameter, which will also contribute to increased density. The rule of thumb is that each month of post-HT growth adds another 10% to your final density. You are currently at 5%. In my opinion density is a very (if not the most) important factor in being satisfied with the final result - so it's better to go for more than less, but until 10 months have passed you can't tell for sure.

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Hi there.. Congrads on your HT. You have a long way to go, but i know what you have been through. Once the hair falls out you know that in a few months it will start to grow and then presto!


Give it time....

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