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scar in the donor area after fue transplant

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sorry for my bad english before


hello sir im new guys in here, i know this forum from my friend that being helped alot from all of u guys opinion here, i have just doing my hair transplant in one of the famous clinic in turkey like 2 weeks ago , and suddenly i notice in the day 5/6 post transplant there is scar in my temporal side donor area after iam keep massage during wash in this area from day 1 just like they told to us, right now im really scared and overthinking about it . before this scar there is like a blood clot or "scabs" like that in this donor area

what i want to ask is from all of u guys experiences and knowledges here :

1. is this scar normal? will it be healed sir?

2. if it heals, how long will it take to heal? and what treatment or cream should i use right now? : right now i have 2 cream for the donor area, fito cream and dermal repair cream from greft plus)

3. why the hair in this scar donor area take is so long to growth? not like in my back area


thank u sir if u already read my post , give ur opinion and experiences about this, i will really aprreaciate it because it will really help my mind and overthinking things in the future :')


nb : the contact services of this hair transplant clinic keep saying its normal and i need to keep massage this area and use this cream, but im not fully trusted him, because just like my friend that consult him about his assymetrical temple area , he keep saying its normal and it is only because of the swelling 


and here is my picture sir , hope u can give ur advice to me thank u so much before


picture 1/2 the "hole" scar that i talk before and the condition before the scar happened

picture 3/4 it is the condition of my hair after h+15 post transplant

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-02 at 15.19.21.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-02 at 15.18.57.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-02 at 15.20.09.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-02 at 15.19.50.jpeg

Edited by Edenazhar
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  • Senior Member

It's shock-loss from the procedure, not scarring. It happens sometimes and is mainly due to the general trauma induced and anaesthesia/epinephrine injected into the area which can temporarily reduce blood flow to the hair follicles and force them into a Telogen or resting phase, which typically lasts 3 months or so. So it should start to recover in the coming months - I wouldn't expect any real improvements for a while yet. 

As to why it has only happened above the ears and not at the back of your head, this seems to be a fairly common occurrence with shock-loss from what I have seen and heard from experienced doctors.

 There will obviously be some scarring in the end as with any hair transplant, the extent of which will depend on how good of a job the dr did with the extractions (i.e. if he over-harvested or not, and how well you heal as an individual, both of which you will find out later on down the line.

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  • Senior Member

It may or may not —mine did not heal fully after the first procedure.  The way the doctor extracted it created that halo and stencil of donor depletion on me.  To this day i have issues.  

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