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Questions about Rogaine Foam

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This is my first post. I am a 30 yr old and over the past year I have noticed the beginning of hair loss. My hairline has begun to receed and I have also more recently begun to experience thinning all over. Again this is the beginning stages, but I can definitely notice it. I recently saw two doctors (a specialty hair loss doc and my pcp). Both said that to get the best results I should consider taking Propecia and using Rogaine Foam, and both agreed that using both of these products would give me the best chance of stopping the pattern and possibly regrowing some hair. I began taking the Propecia a week ago and am excited, although I know that it takes around 6 months for anything to happen. I have not started using the Rogaine yet because I have read stories that in some cases it actually thins your hair and makes it worse. I asked my pcp about this, and he said that he was not familiar with that scenario and had not heard of any cases personally before.


I wanted to see if anyone out there had any comments on Rogaine and if they had any advice as to whether or not I should start using it. I don't mind putting in the effort, but wanted to assess the risk of possibly making my situation worse. Also, the package says that it is for use in the back of the head, but I was wondering if you can use it in the front near the hairline as well?


Thanks in advance for any information that anyone has to offer.

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  • Senior Member

Hey TFong13,


Within the first few months of using Rogaine (Minoxidil) and Propecia (Finasteride) there is a very good chance of increased hair loss (shedding).


This loss, in the vast majority of cases, is temporary and is an indication that the medications are working.


P.S. Pfizer (the makers of Rogaine) only tested the product on the crown, as a result they can't legally claim it is of benefit for treating loss in any other areas. It can be used on the hair line and many see benifits in this area, however, the hair line is often less responsive in terms of regrowth.

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  • Regular Member

Hi TFong13,

I used Minoxidil (rogaine) for many about 3 years.. It worked great initially after a brief initial shockloss and it added a few hairs to the front.. But as it says on the box it works best at keeping hair on the crown.


I then stopped using it, as from my own and others that I knows experience it gives you maybe 3 more years of delayed frontal hair loss.. Perhaps a lot of people by that stage have accepted their hairloss.. I have been using proscar for approx 7 years now and I would say it does the same thing i.e keeps hair on the crown. I still have no bald patch on the crown even though all the hair on my front half has gone!.


Of course everyone is different but I eventually realised that the only way to stop my receding hairline was with HTs.

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OK doctor fellers employer we get it ebay is bad your site is great it is very funny doctors and reps get away with so much on here and other members are banned. Every1 can tell this is your site and you keep pushing it pretending to help people and you are not banned when others are.

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I've responded to you privately since you wrote to me claiming that your original account was suspended and it was done unjustly so. I've posted the same message below since you decided to complain publicly as well.




If you actually want my help, you're going to have to tell me the alias you used to use that was banned.


Blatant promotional links are not allowed here. Spex is a long time well respected member of this forum and has no interest in promoting products. Thus, the occasional outside link when appropriate is welcome, not just by Spex, but by anyone when appropriate.


However, when brand new members spam the forum with the same link on multiple threads, it's obvious they're trying to use this forum for free advertising. This is a blatant violation of our terms of service.


If you are genuine, I'll be happy to consider reinstating your account. However, if you're here to promote sales of your website, don't bother.



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I never realised that you were an entrepreneur also. You just dont stop!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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