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Should I Stop?


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Hey everyone, I experienced hair loss at age 21 in 2014 and it progressed over the years until it stopped in 2017. In 2018, I decided to shave my head to deal with the hair loss. However, my twin brother convinced me do the big 3: Fin (1mg) + Min + Derma at the beginning of this year, since it worked for his hair loss, which has been less severe than mines. It's been almost 5 months and I haven't experienced any side effects or even the ones (no shedding either) that indicate finasteride is working as intended. I am letting my hair grow since a week ago, as I have been shaving the whole time, to see if anything did change, but I am not hopeful. Should I stop taking finasteride, monoxide, and dermarolling?

Edited by Somnus
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  • Regular Member

No man u should carry on for the love of ur existing hair IMHO. I would not dermaroll but Finasteride is a must. You could consider dermo pigmentation too but i think hair must be worn short which is the reason why i did not walk that path for now... If Fina is simply not enough for you there is also the option of Avodart, but i am trying to collect more information about it. I did not find much compliants about it but i did not see as many reviews as it happens with Finasteride, so i am not sure about it.

Edited by mxm56
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This is only my opinion…but I would continue with treatments. When I was younger I shaved my head when I started losing hair. After a few years though I changed my mind and wanted to grow my hair out. Chances are, you might want to do the same down the line. It would be nice to be able to at least maintain what you have if and when that time comes.


male pattern baldness is progressive and if you leave it untreated then it will just get worse over time.

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