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Time to pull the trigger

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I posted here a while back as a complete newbie asking all the basic questions. It's been over a year (life got in the way) and now I want to follow through and get something scheduled. After everything I learned, and after talking to friends that have traveled all over the world for their procedure, a while back I mostly decided I would go to Canada to see Dr. Rahal. If someone could answer a few questions for me that would really help.

1) Frankly, is Rahal still a top guy in the field?

2) I go between NYC and Tampa, FL. If I was to do the procedure in the US, does anyone have a recommendation in either of these locations?

3) In terms of FUE technology, is there a latest and greatest that I should look for? I don't want to use a doctor who isn't using the best new tools and techniques.

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Any top doctor in the US you are going to be paying at the very least a whopping $6 a graft. Bring it to NYC with guys like Bernstein or Dorin and you're looking at around $8 a graft. To my knowledge Rahal is still a top guy in the field, yes. Is money an issue for you? Bc if so there are a few great docs overseas who specialize in FUE these days. Bruno Ferreira in Portugal is an up and coming doc who goes great work, Dr. Freitas in Spain, and the same can be said about Dr. Bicer in Turkey. Then there are the regulars in guys like Demirsoy and Pekiner who are at the top of their class when it comes to FUE HT's.

Edited by SD1984
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  • 1 year later...
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I am also planning to schedule with Dr. Rahal soon. I'm a little nervous about booking it, but I've asked everything I can think of and feel like I've got the information needed to make a decision. Watching this thread in case any new thoughts or concerns come up. :)


Edit: Just realized this post is a year old. 😅

Edited by gaz9318054

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On 5/12/2021 at 9:14 AM, SixHouse said:

I posted here a while back as a complete newbie asking all the basic questions. It's been over a year (life got in the way) and now I want to follow through and get something scheduled. After everything I learned, and after talking to friends that have traveled all over the world for their procedure, a while back I mostly decided I would go to Canada to see Dr. Rahal. If someone could answer a few questions for me that would really help.

1) Frankly, is Rahal still a top guy in the field?

2) I go between NYC and Tampa, FL. If I was to do the procedure in the US, does anyone have a recommendation in either of these locations?

3) In terms of FUE technology, is there a latest and greatest that I should look for? I don't want to use a doctor who isn't using the best new tools and techniques.


As a patient representative for Dr. Rahal, I thought I would try to help and do my best to answer your questions.

If you want my honest opinion, I would say Dr. Rahal is very underrated in terms of his FUE procedure and results. Frankly, I don’t see enough people mentioning him as one of the top FUE doctors in the world.  And at the risk of sounding like I’m simply promoting him because I work for him, in my completely honest opinion, Dr. Rahal is producing some of the most impressive FUE procedures and results out there.   We present examples of his results just about every week but I’m going to post a few before and afters from some of the recent ones we’ve presented on this topic just as a reference.

Long before I worked for Dr. Rahal, I was very impressed with his hairlines, his professionalism and his overall demeanor and results.  Even before formally working with him, I’ve had the privilege of meeting him in person several times and seeing dozens if not 100+ examples of his results between the ones I’ve seen online and in person. He has always impressed me and this fact is the reason why I reached out to him and asked if I could work with him.  Having been in this profession in general for over 15 years, I have always consider him one of the best and most impressive doctors in the world.

Below are a few recent examples of his FUEresults.  

Patient 1 




Top Reverse 


Patient 2



45 Degree


Patient 3

45 Degree



Right Profile




Left Profile



Patient 4





45 Degree




Right Profile




Left Profile




Patient 5











To answer your second question about location, in my honest opinion, don’t let location determine which surgeon you are going to select for your hair transplant procedure. The best way to select the surgeon is to find a surgeon that impresses you the most based on their proven ability to produce outstanding results consistently and then as a final factor, will get cost and location. But you should already narrow it down to 3 to 5 excellent surgeons before even looking at location and price.  Practically speaking, it’s true that just about everybody is on a budget and we have to put cost into some kind of consideration. That said, it is far better to inconvenience yourself just a little by traveling a little further and spending a little more money to get your hair transplant done right the first time then ending up in need of a potential repair procedure because you selected a doctor just because they are  local and cost-effective.   As I said I understand why they need to be looked at or considered, but remember that her transplant surgery is a lifetime investment so whoever you choose, make sure you are extremely impressed by the surgeon you’ve chosen and not to settle just because they cost less or are closer.

As for your third question, be careful not to be fooled by clever marketing. There are some advertisements out there that would lead you to believe that a certain device or tool is superior over the other when in reality, the skill and experience of the position far outweighs a particular tool. At the end of the day is the surgeon’s skill and experience with the tools they use rather than the specific pulley select that makes the difference in the end result.  as far as the best doctors that perform the procedure, that is something that you need to determine after doing your own due diligence in looking at a physicians/clinics results. You asked specifically about Dr. Rahal, so I  presented a few examples above.  If there’s anything else I can help you with, don’t hesitate to ask publicly or send me a private message.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Edited by Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I thought I would tag and respond to you here as well because I see you also mentioned that you were considering Dr. Rahal.  I encourage you also to take a look at my above response which includes some photos of recent results we’ve presented. All of them are FUE and all of these patients are very happy with their results.  If I can be of any assistance either publicly or privately, don’t hesitate to ask and or contact me. I’m happy to help 🙂

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Just now, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


I thought I would tag and respond to you here as well because I see you also mentioned that you were considering Dr. Rahal.  I encourage you also to take a look at my above response which includes some photos of recent results we’ve presented. All of them are FUE and all of these patients are very happy with their results.  If I can be of any assistance either publicly or privately, don’t hesitate to ask and or contact me. I’m happy to help 🙂

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Thank you! I've been meaning to schedule something for a while now, but my nerves get the best of me. Big decision. 😅

I enjoy seeing results from Dr. Rahal and hope you will continue to share them regularly.

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Thank you for your reply. We try to present one example every week or every other week. In fact, I will be presenting a video of the patient in the first example on this thread later today.  This patient had over 6100 grafts and restored what looks like a very full and thick looking head of hair in two procedures.












Stay tuned for the video which I will be uploading later today.

If you do need any help scheduling, feel free to send me a private message and I’ll be happy to help you. Have you underwent a no obligation information session with Dr. Rahal yet?  If not, that would be a good first step :-).

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Edited by Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I've spoken with James over a video call, and then a lot via email (he's been very patient with me 😅 ), but I've not spoken directly with Dr. Rahal yet, if that's what you're asking. At the time of my consultation, that was not an option.

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In just cases, patient educators like James Will do many of the information sessions and answer any and all questions. That being said, there are certainly times that Dr. Rahal will get involved on the phone or during a session if and when appropriate and necessary. In most cases however, it doesn’t become necessary for Dr. Rahal to get on the phone or in the session because all of the individual questions are answered by the educator. But like I said, nothing preclude anyone from speaking to the doctor if it’s something that’s desired prior to surgery.

so just let me know if you need my assistance in anyway or and/or if you are ready to move forward.

all the best,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I understand, and thanks for the information! I don't believe I have any questions that James hasn't already answered, but if I think of any, I will certainly let you know. :)

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On 5/12/2021 at 3:14 PM, SixHouse said:

I posted here a while back as a complete newbie asking all the basic questions. It's been over a year (life got in the way) and now I want to follow through and get something scheduled. After everything I learned, and after talking to friends that have traveled all over the world for their procedure, a while back I mostly decided I would go to Canada to see Dr. Rahal. If someone could answer a few questions for me that would really help.

1) Frankly, is Rahal still a top guy in the field?

2) I go between NYC and Tampa, FL. If I was to do the procedure in the US, does anyone have a recommendation in either of these locations?

3) In terms of FUE technology, is there a latest and greatest that I should look for? I don't want to use a doctor who isn't using the best new tools and techniques.

No offense to anyone but I would personally give a NO to Rahal being a top guy as I feel his results have been shaky at best during the past couple of years. For top guys (and one lady) i would rather look at pinto, couto, bisanga, konoir, ferreira, H&W, naidimi, fereiduni, laorwong.. Keep in mind all of those are either expensive or have very long wait times, if time and/or money is an issue then IMO you can't go wrong with Eugenix, they seem to have solved the formula of scale and affordability while still producing amazing results 

Edited by botchedguy95
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