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Day 10 Scabbing

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Today is day 10 into my HT and my Doctor has advised to hold off until Day 14 to have the first big wash where I can massage my scalp with shampoo and try to work out the scabs.

My question is, from a hair growth/health standpoint is there any issue/disadvantage to waiting the extra 4 days of having the scabs cover my entire recipient area?

I got 2500 fue grafts to my front and mid scalp and my hairline is essentially all scab at the moment and a bit worried not being able to wash off could hurt survivability of grafts or my healing process in general? Does the extra 4 days wait matter?

Any input/opinions would be much appreciated.




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I have washed my hair ever day  since day 3 with baby shampoo and a cup while taking a bath and the scabs are still persistent. Without being able to lightly massage shampoo in my hair and work out the scabs I won't be able to get all scabs out.


In my OP I was referring to the "big wash" as the first time you are allowed to touch your scalp to work out scabs, clean better, etc.

It appears some doctors are okay with more rigorous washing by day 10, however my doc has advised to wait until 14 days.


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  • Senior Member

Hey at day 10, start scrubbing off all the scabs now! You can scrub with some more force now and also use the shower head normally. You do not need to use cups anymore at this point. Your grafts are pretty much anchored into your skin. But also follow the post-op instructions of your surgeon. You should have a scab-free scalp afterwards. 

Edited by baldiee
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  • Senior Member

Around day 10 I started massaging with more force in the shower to get scabs to fall out. After a shower, I would manually, gently pull some out while they were softened. By day 14 all scabs were gone. 

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