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Thin Hair / Experiencing Hair Loss At Age 25

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Hey guys,

I am experiencing hair loss at age 25, i noticed this a year ago that my hair got thin and I shaved it completely, its been a year since I last time had a cut on my top hair, and it's growing really slow, i expected that I could at least tie my hair into a manban for a full year of growing my top.

My question is are there any way to start regrowing it again or at least grow it at a normal pace.

I tried different products etc., right now I am using minoxidil and dermaroller, started around a week ago but, Is there a chance that this will help my hair? Or is the hair transplant my only option.


My hair right now



My hair before i shaved it 120263449_368789374295978_4603985851661110204_n.jpg.72666732adaf233bdbbc36384cedd948.jpg

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Maybe its just the lighting/shape of your head/and camera angle, but it looks like you may be thinning pretty far back already. Being that you are just 25 and only started the minoxidil and dermroller a week ago, not enough time for them to work yet, I would stop them until you get a microscopic scalp analysis first to check for the extent of your thinning. If your donor area in the back is already starting to thin too then hair transplants are probably not going to be a good option for you. If you wait to have your scalp checked after you've been doing treatments like minoxodil for a while it will make it more difficult for the doctor to determine how bad your thinning actually is.




Weird medical conditions aside, if you are losing because of male pattern baldness, and it looks like it from your pics, minoxidil and dermarollers are not going to help you much in the long run if you don't take a DHT blocker. DHT is what is doing most of the damage and its flowing through your bloodstream. The more sensitive your hair follicles are to it the more you are going to lose, and that comes down to your genetics. The longer you wait to address the DHT the less likely you are to get any re-growth -and that is the case for most guys, it just halts or slows down their loss rate.


If you haven't already get with your doctor about starting finasteride, hopefully you respond to it well and are not one of the minority of guys that gets side effects. If you've already looked into finasteride and decided that they you don't want to try it there's another DHT blocker, Clasceterone, that will probably get approved in the next few years by the FDA. They just approved a lower dosage for acne. It works up at your hair follicles and doesn't effect your hormone levels, so its safer, less chance of side effects.



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Thank you for your advice, since they're almost no Trichology in the that I live, I didn't have the chance to consult with doctors regarding my hair.

As for Clasceterone / Finasteride, I wanted to try and giving it a 6- 12 months a chance, but I don't know how to get access / buy them, Do you know any legal site or way I can get access to Clasceterone / Finasteride.


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You need to see a doctor to get a prescription for Finasteride -I'm in the USA and over the years I've gotten prescriptions from my primary care doctor, dermatologist, even from my hair transplant doctor. Since Clasceterone is not FDA approved yet there are no ways to get it through a doctor currently that I'm aware of.

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