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I'm 25 and decided to shave my head as I currently cannot get a haircut. I usually have thick medium hair. My hairline is completely fine, however the back of my hair, particularly just below the crown looks patchy and very see through, particularly in the light.

I usually have a cowlick crown and the hair towards the back of the crown usually sticks up. Is it a bit patchy due to the way I cut the hair, or is it due to the way my hair grows? My hair is wavvy and usually growns in different directions.

When I run my hands through the hair there, it doesn't feel any different. Doesn't feel like there is less hair or that it's thinning.

I also suffer from eczema, and there is a bit of eczema in that particular area.

I have attached a picture from 2014 when I was 19.

I'm freaking out and any advice/comments would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Senior Member

Your hair is just a bit too short and would encourage you to let it grow and re-post.

The word "patchy" is tricky, for a lack of a better word - in the world of hair restoration.  Patchy typically means a bare area with small "islands" of hair throughout and it's typically caused by a self immune system.  Yours does not look like that.  It almost seems as if you are dipping in the donor which means there is a pattern and it may be progressing.  My first inclination is to ask you if you are doing any type of medical therapy to help with retention and enhancement of the native hair. So, are you doing anything?

Have you visited with a doctor or a dermatologist?  If not, I would encourage you to do so.  Depending on where the eczema is, if you ever have a hair transplant, it can "travel" along with the transplanted hair. (My son suffers from the same condition and I know how hard it is to get it under control).


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Thanks for replying. You're right, I think it is too short at the moment. I have googled lot's of images where people have shaved their heads and it is 'patchy'/'see-thru' at the back - so could be completely normal. 

"Dipping in the donor" - are you saying that I am starting to bald then? I haven't done any medical therapy because until I shaved my hair yesterday, no hair loss had appeared???

I do see my GP quite a lot with regards to eczema, but the advice is often not good. I do need to see a dermatologist. 

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