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Weird Hair loss type - losing in back please advise

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Hey guys - I'm a NW2 with DPA and retrograde alopecia (similar to Melvin) but my hair loss is weird. I've been having pain in the back of my head recently where it looks thin/wierd. Attached are pics (I'm not sure what is happening) my mom has thyroid issues and my sister has some deficiencies so I hope.



Back of Head


Back of head near ears


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It's a little hard for me to tell from the pictures exactly how far down the back of your head the hair loss goes, but it looks like it could just be crown loss that seems to extend forward into the center of your mid scalp. This is how mine started and then the thinning pattern in the mid scalp got wider and wider and then went to the temples leaving just a patch of hair in the front center of the hairline, but that soon went too. You said you have pain. Is it like a stinging pins and needles kind of pain where it hurts more when you try to move your hair in the opposite direction that it naturally grows? That is what I had for the first few years that I was losing my hair. It sort of came and went and I could tell when and where I was going to be losing a lot of hair by where the pain was happening. It always got more severe when I was lifting weights.




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(formerly BeHappy)

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Is that the back of your head or the top of your head? I have seen these sort of crack like hair loss patterns in people before, it may be an autoimmune condition similar to alopecia areata, have you consulted with a dermatologist? I suggest submitting your photos to some of our surgeons here who also happened to be certified dermatologists, they should be able to give you better information. Given this global pandemic, surgeons have suspended charging, so these consultations are free, you have nothing to lose.



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