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Coronavirus - travel recommendations amidst uncertainty

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  • Senior Member

With what has been happening recently, and the fact that things will likely get worse before they get better, I would suggest putting non-emergent travel on hold until we know just far this thing has spread. Hair transplantation is an elective procedure, it can be rescheduled with no major harm to anyone.

Getting an infection while trying to recover from a hair transplant? You don't want your immune system to be fighting sepsis at the same time as it is trying to heal your scalp.

The media is reacting extremely strong to this, a significant component of the inflation in numbers seems to be related to a shortage of the PCR testing: as the tests become more available, the numbers increase. So the increase is a reflection of testing distribution, not the virus itself.

That being said, the numbers are rising dramatically fast. Hopefully it will go the way of SARS, Ebola, etc and not the Spanish Flu or HIV, but really anyone that confidently says they know where this thing will end up is blowing smoke where the sun don't shine.

Be safe everyone. Self-quarantine if you can. If you think you may have been exposed, avoid people over the age of 50 or with a pre-existing medical condition as they are at the most risk.  

We don't know anything for sure just yet. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon and we'll look back and think 'Man remember when that was a thing?' But until then, don't mess around.

Edited by bismarck
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  • Senior Member

good post.

it doesn't matter if you think the media is over-hyping this, or if you only care about the mortality rates of people 40 and under and how low they are... you can be carrying it and pass it on without knowing... think about parents, grandparents, etc...

"our grandparents fought wars for us. all they're asking is that we sit on our couch" ... powerful statement

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  • Senior Member

It will be akin to a very, very bad flu season. COVID has about 10 times the mortality of the flu, but a much smaller segment of society will hopefully be affected. If people just stay home, we can beat this without too many economic repercussions. It's really a 50/50 chance whether we will do that though though I think we will.

Italy and China's numbers are dropping so the time frame appears to be 45-90 days with aggressive measures. I wouldn't even think about getting a hair transplant till the summer though. Imagine how foolish you would feel looking back if something went wrong.

Edited by bismarck
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