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Unnatural Direction of HT Hair

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  • Regular Member

Is there anything to be done about this?


I went to a top 5 clinic, and 8 months in, I'm very disappointed that much of my new hair grows in an unnatural direction.


From the temples, a significant number of my transplanted hairs grow forward, pointing towards my face. Others straight point out, perpendicular to the skull, and don't follow the natural flow of my native hair. The same problem goes for the hairline. If I would've know this was going to be a problem, I'm not sure I would've taken the leap.


I'm thinking maybe using that high-powered relaxer stuff that African-american women use, but I don't have any experience with it.


Thoughts? Suggestions?

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  • Senior Member

I've done searches on this topic.


Bad news - the incision made by your surgeon determines the direction the hair grows


Good news - don't be calling your surgeon to scream at them just yet, as it seems to be a common issue until the hair fully matures ~12-18m

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