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  • Senior Member

Just starting to toy with the idea of SMP, but I found this sentence disturbing...  " If you are comfortable with a new styling option such as a clean buzz cut, consider Scalp micro-pigmentation."  ...  In no way will I ever be comfortable with a clean buzz cut.  Some men were never meant to be buzzed, and I am one of those.  Is SMP basically for those who like the very short buzz look?

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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  • Senior Member

For some reason the word "monochrome" comes to mind when I read this.  SMP can be used for other applications other than to just wear the hair buzzed.  Minimizing contrast, camouflage an FUT scar etc.  The issue I have with this is the fact that, like any other modality, it has to be repeated to maintain the effect.  

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  • Senior Member

I could use some grafts in my crown area, and was wondering if this is effective in such a situation.  Also if SMP is effective for a man who wears his hair longer.  I am 72 so I am not likely to opt for more grafts, and I am pretty much satisfied with everything except the crown area.  Repeating the procedure every 4 years is really not a concern for me.  I have more hair than most of the guys my age.

Edited by Dazed

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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When dealing with younger guys, since we don't know exactly where they are going to end up, it is typically recommended they do their front and top first.  Once happy, then they can tackle the crown.  Medical therapy plays a big part in all of this as it can help retain the native hair.  Let me give you an example why this is important,

24 YO comes in and wants grafts in the crown which, by now, is the size of a grapefruit.  The Doctor moves forward and puts 1500 grafts.  The patient decides he does not want to do any type of medication and the loss in the crown progresses.  Now he's left with an island worth of transplants and nothing around it.  Almost looks like a monk.  We call this "chasing the pattern." Eventually the patient runs out of grafts and now he as nothing left.  Suppose he then loses the entire front.

The area of most impact is the front.  It is what you see when looking in the mirror, and it is the area others see when they interact with you.

At 72, however, if you are happy with what you have....why not.  A dusting is better than being empty.

Keep in mind we all share a whirl.  The hair in the crown grows away from the point unlike the front and top. (In the front the hair grows forward at an angle.  The hair on top, (mid scalp), also grows forward and it shingles). So it takes many, many procedures and grafts to create density.

You would be better served by going as far back as you can horizontally in the patter so as to minimize the size of the crown.  As you let the hair grow - you can comb it in such a way that it will help cover the crown.  

What color is you hair? I ask because you mentioned SMP.  This would help if your hair is dark as it will help minimize contrast. Otherwise don't waste your time or money.

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I don't know how much crown area you have to cover or how much hair you currently have there. Obviously you must have some hair in your crown if you want to have SMP to add to it to make the scalp less noticeable. I also realize you said you were not likely to opt for more grafts, but if you are going to spend thousands on SMP to color your scalp to make it look like you have more hair, then why not just spend that money to do a small hair transplant session to add a few hundred grafts in the crown instead? At least then you will actually get real growing hair for your money.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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