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bald patch on the side

Ray F

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Hey everybody, This is the first time I've submitted anything, so here it goes. I am 31 years old and desperately looking for some answers. icon_confused.gifI developed a bald spot in the shape of a triangle about 1 1/4" wide on the left side of my head just above my left ear. About 1/4" around the bald triangle is really thin with very small weak-looking hairs. I keep my hair short so it's not as obvious (until it starts growing out). I first noticed the spot around January of 2002. I've looked at Rogaine, but it says only for the top or crown of your head. I've just now been able to get back on-line to try to do some research. Anyone had any experience with this type of baldness? Some doctors I've talk with say that sometimes hair just falls out for some reason and will grow back just the same. Well, it's been two years almost and no growth. Any help would be most appreciated.

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Hey everybody, This is the first time I've submitted anything, so here it goes. I am 31 years old and desperately looking for some answers. icon_confused.gifI developed a bald spot in the shape of a triangle about 1 1/4" wide on the left side of my head just above my left ear. About 1/4" around the bald triangle is really thin with very small weak-looking hairs. I keep my hair short so it's not as obvious (until it starts growing out). I first noticed the spot around January of 2002. I've looked at Rogaine, but it says only for the top or crown of your head. I've just now been able to get back on-line to try to do some research. Anyone had any experience with this type of baldness? Some doctors I've talk with say that sometimes hair just falls out for some reason and will grow back just the same. Well, it's been two years almost and no growth. Any help would be most appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Ray


I actually have a similar situation on the right side of my head. I would say about 1 - 1.5 inches in diamater I have a bald spot on my temple straight up from my ear. However I have had this since at least 15 so it can't be related to MPB (I'm 28) The funny thing is that I don't really know when this happened.


I noticed it at around 15 but I assume I've always had this...hadn't noticed because my hair was so thick back then and even if it was there why would I have worried about it. I haven't asked my mother if she has ever noticed this either. I also have no idea how this came about and I don't think at this point I can correct it. I just basically cover it up with the sorrounding hair but since my MPB is progressing it is still noticeable. In my case I don't think even a transplant would help that area since it couldn't maintain hair there when I didn't have MPB.

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Ray F

You most likely have alopecia areata, a condition in which the body is reacting against its own hair. It will most likely regrow, but treatment with topical and intralesions steroids helps. It would be best to contact a local dermatologist. An outside possibility is temporal triangular alopecia, but it is unusual for it to develop at your age- medical Rx for this doesn't work.



You also need to see a dermatologist and possibly have a biopsy. I think temporal triangular alopecia is most likely. It usually develops at age 3-6 years, but can develop at birth up to the 20s. Once it develops, it is stable and doesn't occur elsewhere (like AA can). If that is the correct diagnosis, hair transplantation works very nicely, but be careful if you have a hereditary tendency for baldness, as later the transplanted area can be sitting out there by itself.

Dr. Parsley is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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  • Regular Member

Ray, If you have alopecia areata I can give you lots of info. Possibly related to stress, so they say. I had that on and off througout my 20's and early 30's. (Mine didn't present itself as true "areata" and was more of a diffuse thinning in some areas, but all the doctors I saw treated it as AA.). I went to some of the top docs at major University/Medical centers in several states. I had treatments including steriod injections, lots of prednisone and topical solutions. You can e-mail me at Pat4dogz@aol if you would like and I can share what I had to learn over those years...good luck...


gone today...hair tomorrow...

gone today...hair tomorrow...

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