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  1. Hey Ray I actually have a similar situation on the right side of my head. I would say about 1 - 1.5 inches in diamater I have a bald spot on my temple straight up from my ear. However I have had this since at least 15 so it can't be related to MPB (I'm 28) The funny thing is that I don't really know when this happened. I noticed it at around 15 but I assume I've always had this...hadn't noticed because my hair was so thick back then and even if it was there why would I have worried about it. I haven't asked my mother if she has ever noticed this either. I also have no idea how this came about and I don't think at this point I can correct it. I just basically cover it up with the sorrounding hair but since my MPB is progressing it is still noticeable. In my case I don't think even a transplant would help that area since it couldn't maintain hair there when I didn't have MPB.
  2. Obviously the problem with HT's are the limited donor supply. I understand that a few doctors are doing body hair transplants and that the transplanted hair takes on the same traits as hair on the top of one's head. However it seems as though this is only done in rare cases? Why is this the case? Seems like a solution to donor supply, doesnt it? Am I missing something here? I happen to have very thick and coarse body hair. More than ample to cover my problem spots. Also my hairstyle is in the Ceaser cut fashion so it's normally short anyways. I know I would rather have donor hair come from my chest than my head....if there were scars (unlikely as FUE is used) they wouldn't be too noticeable as you'd normally wear a shirt, whereas your head is always visible unless wearing a hat.
  3. Obviously the problem with HT's are the limited donor supply. I understand that a few doctors are doing body hair transplants and that the transplanted hair takes on the same traits as hair on the top of one's head. However it seems as though this is only done in rare cases? Why is this the case? Seems like a solution to donor supply, doesnt it? Am I missing something here? I happen to have very thick and coarse body hair. More than ample to cover my problem spots. Also my hairstyle is in the Ceaser cut fashion so it's normally short anyways. I know I would rather have donor hair come from my chest than my head....if there were scars (unlikely as FUE is used) they wouldn't be too noticeable as you'd normally wear a shirt, whereas your head is always visible unless wearing a hat.
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