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Is there a causal connection between seasonal hair shedding and daily hair shedding?


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Never heard to seasonal hair shedding, except for my dog.  My wife keeps saying "winter coat," etc.  My understanding is the follicle gets tired of producing hair and will go into a resting phase.  The hair sheds and goes dormant for X amount of time, the hair then returns.  This will happen to all the hair in your head and at different periods.  Many believe 50-100 hairs a day is normal. I should add that many patients believe this constitutes loss.  This is not so.  

Hair loss in comparison, is miniaturized hair that eventually dissipates.  Eventually it just stays stagnant and does not seem to grow.  Eventually this fades away never to return. That's loss.

It is important to speak with a derm or a hair professional, for lack of a better description, to discuss medical therapy.  There are a number of modalities that can help slow down the loss.  Not sure if it slows down the shedding and it would be interesting to hear the opinion of doctors in the forum.

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5 hours ago, LaserCap said:

Never heard to seasonal hair shedding, except for my dog.  My wife keeps saying "winter coat," etc.  My understanding is the follicle gets tired of producing hair and will go into a resting phase.  The hair sheds and goes dormant for X amount of time, the hair then returns.  This will happen to all the hair in your head and at different periods.  Many believe 50-100 hairs a day is normal. I should add that many patients believe this constitutes loss.  This is not so.  

Hair loss in comparison, is miniaturized hair that eventually dissipates.  Eventually it just stays stagnant and does not seem to grow.  Eventually this fades away never to return. That's loss.

It is important to speak with a derm or a hair professional, for lack of a better description, to discuss medical therapy.  There are a number of modalities that can help slow down the loss.  Not sure if it slows down the shedding and it would be interesting to hear the opinion of doctors in the forum.

Actually there are studies online showing that seasonal hair shedding is a real thing.

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