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Star trek technology out of Russia for Health


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Hi Global friends out there,

                                                  I m interested in knowing if any of you have heard of SCENAR stands for Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator. The device applies electric impulses through the skin like a TENS device (Transcutaneous. Electric Nerve Stimulator).

Please read an Interview I discovered in my extensive researching of this Micro Electro therapy above.


Excerpts from an Interview with Alexander Karosev, the founder of the Scenar Device, from the BBC WORLD SERVICE TRANSMISSION – 9.30am 9th November 1999:

How does it work?

The SCENAR works by making the body’s own Immune system operate more efficiently. Technically it is a very complicated device which sends electronic impulses via the skin to the brain – but it was designed to be used by anybody without any special medical training. You just hold it over the affected area or organ and it sends an amplified signal of pain to the brain. This causes the brain to trigger the body’s immune system. and presto after only a few minutes of treatment, the patient starts feeling much better.

We have been using the SCENAR for 20 years now and have had numerous miraculous recoveries. If a patient comes in on crutches, he just forgets about their existence, leaving them behind in the doctor’s surgery as if he never had them.

How did the device come to be developed?

It all began when the whole of our family got food poisoning. It was an awful time and I lost my sister. But one thing I realised was that Conventional medicine – all those modern pills and potions – did not help. I had in fact studied reflexology and acupuncture for many years but these didn’t seem to work either – so I realised that there was a need for something else. Of course we weren’t the first who thought about sending electronic signals to the brain but we managed to refine the technique; to make the signal similar to that carried in a body’s nerve tissue – after distortion caused by the skin, fat and such like.

Who was involved? Where were you based?

I worked for many years on the medical program at the Cosmonaut Training Center and they were doing something similar there. But I’d started working on the device even before that in my home town – Taganrog. I only demonstrated it to the space program scientists once I’d made the first operating version and had achieved successful results.

So was it used in space?

The space program was controlled by the military and they ordered something slightly different. I didn’t think the device they wanted worked quite so well but I did my best anyway. They were planning to use the SCENAR in later space projects – like Buran for example – but then the Soviet Union fell apart. Recently various cosmonauts have wanted to take it up into space and test it outside the official medical program, but this hasn’t quite worked out yet.

What proof have you got that it actually works?

If I had to prove it to you it would probably take me about 10 minutes. I can demonstrate it on anything – even the – wrinkles on the skin, Rejuvenation. If you compare the treated and non-treated parts of the face, for instance, you can see the difference clearly. Or if you have a bruise somewhere – it’ll take 10-15 minutes to demonstrate initial effect. I have introduced the SCENAR to maternity hospitals and it heals all the bruises and traumas in newly born babies within a few minutes.

It even works on such difficult-to-cure diseases as psoriasis. People who have suffered for 15 years, can forget about their skin traumas and their asthma after only about ten sessions.

The important thing to remember is that the device is not in itself a cure. It merely stimulates your own immune system – uses your body’s own potential. In fact the less you are poisoned by chemical drugs and hormonal medicines, the more response we can get using the SCENAR and the greater the chance of recovery.

Have you benefited at all in medical terms?

I myself have not used any drugs for 15 years. I do not remember what tablets you use for a headache. I always use the SCENAR. When my children were little, the teachers in the kindergarten were really annoyed with me because my children would still be at school when all the other kids were down with flu. They said, “Can’t you keep them at home like everyone else.” Basically, they wanted to go home themselves and the only reason they had to be at school was to look after my children.

How about the financial rewards, have you profited from the invention?

I have not benefited yet. I have tended to shy away from publicity – because it is bad for the creative process. In fact, this is my first interview ever. But other people of course have taken advantage of the device. One doctor was treating a large number of senior politicians saying that the device was from Japan. But it doesn’t bother me. My ultimate aim is that the SCEANR should become readily available to families worldwide – so that people could have it there in their first aid boxes and treat themselves. It really is the most reliable thing.

Brilliant in-depth overview of the Scenar Therapy, best overview I have read yet on the net to date, wanted to share with anyone interested if you are suffering from pain and aliments that need  a helping hand to add a better quality of life to you all.

There are are a number of various models of Scenar available today, but Denas Scenar is the most cost effective one to the end consumer and it holds the same technology and benefits as the more costly ones out there, you still get what you pay for, just google  Denas Scenar.


Alexander Karosev, the founder of the Scenar Device

Reference site below to the above interview click link below please


Now what I found remarkable about this health aid above was supposedly this condition we are all faced with below 

Our hair is genetically resistant to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), DHT is the main catalyst for androgenic alopecia (genetic hair loss)

Lets say for instance if you ran a comb through our hair and it stimulated the active nerve C nerve fibres to send various frequencies to the brain and the brain then released its own Pharmacopia of neruopetides and homeostasis was the result would this not be a marvellous aid in keeping possibly existing hair from falling? and  further be a complementary aid to those who undergo actual hair restoration, a device like this would work similar to what of cold laser therapy would and our bodies are after all functioning on electrical impulses and each organ in our body carries a different frequency, with such a unique bio feedback where our system cannot build up a resistance to the signals received by our brain means it would have to have a very positive affect on bringing about a hormonal balance which directly would work on the DHT aspects?

This Device does not heal the body, but allows the body to return to Homeostasis.

I have found many brands in the market place using Scenar from Pain to health in general being restored with various attachments to affect areas of the body via the device.

Example = Denas Scenar

Enar Scenar

Ritm Scenar

Enart Scenar 

Avazzia scenar

Myself I m currently considering the Denas Scenar 

Any-ways interested to hear your feedback from those of you that may be using this even for aches and pain in your body etc besides what I feel is possible from utilising such technology.

PS: with the Denas I came across an actual comb device that attaches to the Scenar device and allows you to comb it over your scalp for areas of concern, even facial to allow for the release of collagen to be triggered for release from the brain etc, amazing results as you can read via google on the above devices being achieved, even people suffering from various eye problems, in fact this pretty much a Star trek type device as many say.













Denas Glasses.png

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At least you have a good sense of humour Spaceman as I do ?

But on a more serious side, just imagine for a moment, many people are having their hair restoration procedures and Fue/Fut sometimes brings about pain in others that others may not experience as much, swelling etc, will Scenar Therapy kills pain in its tracks, also I believe it will help aid in the regrowth as your body will be streaming with Neuropeptides which we lose the ability to flood our bodies with as we get on in years.

Check it out you will be amazed at the Russian studies that have been carried out on this let alone the western world ones now.

Myself I always research the research these days before I dive in and I m going to start using one in the next month or two.

PS: If you really want to get the full benefit of this Device then I would recommend get the training and Denas Pain Relief Store will offer you that inclusive in the price of the unit, attachments etc, if however you feel you can learn it yourself without training then go that route and save on the price of the equipment.

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On 10/8/2018 at 1:51 AM, Spaceman said:

I can’t say I know anything about the Denas SCENAR @zealander but perhaps you may be interested in this delightfully similarly named Delux Scannar:


That looks more like Dr Emmett Brown's mind reader to me. Maybe if we wear one of these and think really hard about growing hair it will send signals to the hair follicles to start growing. 


Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 5.29.09 PM.png


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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