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How good of a candidate am I for HT

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Good day everyone. I am a new member here, but I have been following hair transplant stories since early 2017. I am a soon to be NW7 and I am considering a HT. I would like some realistic oppinions on my case. Am I a good candidate for it and what can I expect? Is it worth going down that route at all? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I am 30 years of age








Edited by yordanov
Forgot to mention age
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Are you a good candidate? No, but why? That’s for two reasons: 

1. You have a large area to cover 

2. You don’t have a lot of viable donor hair. 

Now does this mean you’re not a candidate at all? No, but you will have to be realistic in your expectations. I’d say any coverage to the crown is out of the question, a very high hairline with the lateral humps reconstructed and slight coverage in the midscalp is possible. However, the density will not be great. 

You can get decent density with some coverage, but you will always be thin and have a bald spot. You can however, try a partial system for the crown or get very light coverage in the crown and use concealer. That is of course if your donor permits. 

Warm regards-Melvin

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Hey there, thanks for the quick responce. Slight coverage in the midscalp. So that means top and back scalp completely bald. What if some body hair is sprinkled inbetween? I knew full hair was not possible, but I was hoping I could fill the top of my head with decent coverage and be left with only the back part bald.

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Dear Mr. Yordanov,


You have provided very good photographs of your case that allow me to verify your hair loss state. First, you do not necessarily have to be a NW7 "soon" because of medications available. I recommend you heavily consider finasteride, either oral or topical, to help prevent further hair loss. 

Second, I believe that if your hair were to be grown out we would see what is referred to as a "diffused" pattern of loss, as you are not bald and you have hair all over your scalp. It is simply miniaturizing in some areas more than others but the frontal region appears to have strong terminal hairs that are not being affected by DHT so much as the rest of your scalp. You may have a very favourable reaction to finasteride in that your hair may thicken considerably, thereby reducing the need for surgical intervention.

However, as long as you are not seeking that which is not possible, then a very reasonable and good result can be had for the front and the top in one surgical procedure, with an optional secondary procedure to reinforce the crown at a later time. 

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