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I need help!


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Well, I have recently considered in getting a HT. Now my case is not bad by all means but I am VERY VERY self-concious about my hair. I really need some help about finding doctors for what I need. I want hair placed above my sideburns... (you know where it comes out toward the eybrow, well it's kinda diagonal from the eyebrow.)See I am only 20 and I feel like I should have hair around this area. And I want hair (not much) placed where the hair most receds at. Please people ask questions about my hair b/c I know this is kinda hard to explain. I just need some help and this place seems excellent on that.

Thank you

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Well, I have recently considered in getting a HT. Now my case is not bad by all means but I am VERY VERY self-concious about my hair. I really need some help about finding doctors for what I need. I want hair placed above my sideburns... (you know where it comes out toward the eybrow, well it's kinda diagonal from the eyebrow.)See I am only 20 and I feel like I should have hair around this area. And I want hair (not much) placed where the hair most receds at. Please people ask questions about my hair b/c I know this is kinda hard to explain. I just need some help and this place seems excellent on that.

Thank you

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  • Senior Member

getting a HT in this area, at your age, is crazy! Any Doc., who would suggest you are a good canidate would be unethical. You are far to young to get a transplant. I waited till I was 26, and am now 29. With two HT's done.

You don't know where your baldness is heading.

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  • Senior Member

Be careful guys! First, there are very few doctors who do consistently excellent work.


Second, it is all too easy to make a mistake at your age, and come to regret your decision to get a hair tranplant.


Please, spend a whole bunch of time researching and reading on the subject before you make up your minds on getting surgery. A lot of guys have made bad hair transplant decisions, and since they are basically permanent a bad HT can be hell to live with.


Good basic info here:





Read up, and ask lots of questions. You may want to post some pics, if you want more specific comments.

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I am going to be extremely careful. I have not made any decisions by all means but it's still in consideration. I do know that money is not an option at the moment. I still have tons and tons of researching to do. I just always get upset and frustrated about my hair and feel like it can be fixed. Like this problem has almost over come my life. My hair basicly decides on if I go out or not. It should not be like that Thank you for all of the comments, please keep them coming.

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