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Hair Transplant Dr Wong 6/3/09 5000+ grafts


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Hello everyone, here is my Story about 5000+ Grafts with Dr Wong on July 3, 2009


Just to share a little about my experience with Dr Wong of H+W in Vancouver. Everything was very smooth, arrived at 6am Friday morning, was seated and talked to Dr Wong about my expectations, family history(since I am young), and potential. We chatted and drew up a hairline that was very close to my present, albeit sparse, hairline. He informed me that I had really nice scalp laxity, but density was not very good. Over-all we were going for a stronger hairline, and coverage being prioritized from the front to the crown, if there was any left.


We washed up, changed and sat down several minutes later to shave the entire top of my head, from hairline to crown. There was minimal discomfort and more than likely it was in my mind. (Just knowing whats going on back there makes me a little sick). To make this long story short we ended up with slightly over 5000 grats.


Dr Wong also gave me a prescription for Proscar along with a pill-cutter. I had just begun Propecia a couple weeks earlier (55$ a month for 30 1mg pills), and he def helped me save a lot of money there. Ended up buying 8 months worth at the pharmacy down the street for 154$. Apparently in America, doctors are not allowed to do this, so thanks to Dr. Wong!


Went home and fell asleep very quickly, woke up to a blood soaked pillow cover(another thanks to Dr. Wong for the pillow cover). I woke up with some mild discomfort the next morning and proceeded to the airport.


The security at the airport was a pain. I arrived 3.5 hours before my flight had to leave, since sitting in my hotel room was getting very boring. Customs was a breeze, explianed the sitation and they waived me along to the security check point. I get to security and they ask me to remove my hat, which I did very carefully. After seeing my head they ask me to step aside, I was searched a couple times, and asked to empty my bags and then re-searched. This was fine, I had time and they were being polite, but he asked me to remove my hat again, this was a third time. I told him that they had already had me remove it twice, and it was a little tender as I had just comleted surgury. Anyway I did one last time and that was it.



I am finally home now, and I will provide the pre-op and immediate post op photos when they arrive.

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  • Regular Member

Hello everyone, here is my Story about 5000+ Grafts with Dr Wong on July 3, 2009


Just to share a little about my experience with Dr Wong of H+W in Vancouver. Everything was very smooth, arrived at 6am Friday morning, was seated and talked to Dr Wong about my expectations, family history(since I am young), and potential. We chatted and drew up a hairline that was very close to my present, albeit sparse, hairline. He informed me that I had really nice scalp laxity, but density was not very good. Over-all we were going for a stronger hairline, and coverage being prioritized from the front to the crown, if there was any left.


We washed up, changed and sat down several minutes later to shave the entire top of my head, from hairline to crown. There was minimal discomfort and more than likely it was in my mind. (Just knowing whats going on back there makes me a little sick). To make this long story short we ended up with slightly over 5000 grats.


Dr Wong also gave me a prescription for Proscar along with a pill-cutter. I had just begun Propecia a couple weeks earlier (55$ a month for 30 1mg pills), and he def helped me save a lot of money there. Ended up buying 8 months worth at the pharmacy down the street for 154$. Apparently in America, doctors are not allowed to do this, so thanks to Dr. Wong!


Went home and fell asleep very quickly, woke up to a blood soaked pillow cover(another thanks to Dr. Wong for the pillow cover). I woke up with some mild discomfort the next morning and proceeded to the airport.


The security at the airport was a pain. I arrived 3.5 hours before my flight had to leave, since sitting in my hotel room was getting very boring. Customs was a breeze, explianed the sitation and they waived me along to the security check point. I get to security and they ask me to remove my hat, which I did very carefully. After seeing my head they ask me to step aside, I was searched a couple times, and asked to empty my bags and then re-searched. This was fine, I had time and they were being polite, but he asked me to remove my hat again, this was a third time. I told him that they had already had me remove it twice, and it was a little tender as I had just comleted surgury. Anyway I did one last time and that was it.



I am finally home now, and I will provide the pre-op and immediate post op photos when they arrive.

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