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Everything posted by Sere

  1. Hi Bobby, First I want to say sorry about the situation! That is terrible and I hope it's not permanent. Couple questions: Who was your doc? And do you have any pics available? In my weakly educated opinion you are experiencing either one of two scenarios. 1) You are simply loosing hair due to stress, which if this is truly the case it should return. I know at least one other person who lost a fair amount of hair due to stress and it has since stopped falling out and is re-growing with no help, other than the loss of that stress. 2) Your doc transplanted 'unsafe' hair. Sometimes, and I really hope this is not the case, a young transplant patient or an in-experienced doc will pull from a false donor area. In this case the donor transplanted hair would eventually fall out when the rest of the hair from the donor area fell. Anyway there is also the possibility that you are just experiencing significant shedding, but like the stress scenario this would re-grow.
  2. Hey Micky I live in the United States, and due to laws governing the drug industry here Doctors are not allowed to prescribe Proscar for hair loss, (At least thats the case for me in Cali). I had to get my prescription from Canada, and they will mail it in. It is because the drugs were intended for Prostate Cancer when they noticed it stopped hair loss as well. Thus they had a gold mine on their hands, cut the MG and jacked up the price. Most western countries have laws in place to protect these drug company, thus it is unlawful to prescribe proscar for hairloss. If you are truly interested in getting Proscar to save the money you will need to do what I did, and get it shipped from somewhere like Canada. Propecia (1mg once a day cost in California about 60$ a month. (60$--30 doses/container) Proscar (5mg, 1qtr 3 days a week) cost from Vancouver BC less than 10$ a month. ($70--30*4=120 doses/container)
  3. This is perhaps repeating what some have said here, I read part of what was written and not all. I don't think there is anything wrong with a younger guy getting a HTP at all. If you go to a recommended surgeon from this web-page, he will know about placement and which extraction areas to take from etc so that you do not end up looking weird if the rest of the top goes as you age. When I had my work done at 25, Dr Wong and I talked of future hair loss about my family history etc and planned accordingly with my newly transplanted hairs. I am not going to act like I know its worse for certain people, but loosing your hair in your teens-twenties is in my mind far more devastating then loosing in your 30-40's. Thus the first group is much more inclined to take action then the latter.
  4. Again thanks everyone for the input, its now after one month and the same situation. I have retained about 70-75% of the transplanted grafts. I have actually lost more around the strip area then on the top where the work was done. Its probably too early to tell, but maybe I am just very lucky. Thanks again guys
  5. I also live in Northern Cali hopeful, and I ended up traveling to Vancouver BC to get my work done. I think what people are trying to say on here is you need to pick you surgeon before you pick the location. Trying to shop local is almost always a terrible way to make such an important decision.
  6. Thank you guys. That is re-assuring to say the least. Its weird actually wishing your hair to fall out, but that is what I have been increasingly wishing the last couple of days with the thought that they should be gone.
  7. As the heading says, I am currently just a few days shy of my one month post op date. I had a fairly massive HTP with Dr Wong, 5015 grafts the first days in July. I have maintained most of the HTP hair?! I was under the impression that all the HTP grafts would have fallen or be falling out prior to this stage. To date I have slowly lost only about 15-25% of the transplanted hairs. I guess I am primarily wondering if this is ok, or is there cause for alarm?
  8. Hi Joker, Not to sound redundant but hoose is correct. You DO NOT just want to pick the local guy. Hair Transplant doctors who actually can and have proven results are very few and far between. I visited the website you listed, and I don't mean to mess you up, but I would not go to that doc, ever. Because he has a descent transplant, means that he did his homework and had someone else do it, he did not do his own. If you want a list of credible docs who you can trust to give you an good job than use this website. (promotional link removed by moderator - see private messages) I hope this helps, but its just such a huge decision. I am not joking when I say this can be the best or worst decision you ever make choosing the correct doc. Take your time, research, talk to people who have had it done and their experiences. Stick to the tried and tested surgeons who are listed on that website. You don't want that doctor 'learning' on you. I had a HTP done with Hasson and Wong in Vancouver, I live in California. It took me a long time to figure out the importance of finding the right doc, and not just traveling the convenient route with local docs or people like bosley.
  9. Hello everyone, here is my Story about 5000+ Grafts with Dr Wong on July 3, 2009 Just to share a little about my experience with Dr Wong of H+W in Vancouver. Everything was very smooth, arrived at 6am Friday morning, was seated and talked to Dr Wong about my expectations, family history(since I am young), and potential. We chatted and drew up a hairline that was very close to my present, albeit sparse, hairline. He informed me that I had really nice scalp laxity, but density was not very good. Over-all we were going for a stronger hairline, and coverage being prioritized from the front to the crown, if there was any left. We washed up, changed and sat down several minutes later to shave the entire top of my head, from hairline to crown. There was minimal discomfort and more than likely it was in my mind. (Just knowing whats going on back there makes me a little sick). To make this long story short we ended up with slightly over 5000 grats. Dr Wong also gave me a prescription for Proscar along with a pill-cutter. I had just begun Propecia a couple weeks earlier (55$ a month for 30 1mg pills), and he def helped me save a lot of money there. Ended up buying 8 months worth at the pharmacy down the street for 154$. Apparently in America, doctors are not allowed to do this, so thanks to Dr. Wong! Went home and fell asleep very quickly, woke up to a blood soaked pillow cover(another thanks to Dr. Wong for the pillow cover). I woke up with some mild discomfort the next morning and proceeded to the airport. The security at the airport was a pain. I arrived 3.5 hours before my flight had to leave, since sitting in my hotel room was getting very boring. Customs was a breeze, explianed the sitation and they waived me along to the security check point. I get to security and they ask me to remove my hat, which I did very carefully. After seeing my head they ask me to step aside, I was searched a couple times, and asked to empty my bags and then re-searched. This was fine, I had time and they were being polite, but he asked me to remove my hat again, this was a third time. I told him that they had already had me remove it twice, and it was a little tender as I had just comleted surgury. Anyway I did one last time and that was it. I am finally home now, and I will provide the pre-op and immediate post op photos when they arrive.
  10. Hello everyone, here is my Story about 5000+ Grafts with Dr Wong on July 3, 2009 Just to share a little about my experience with Dr Wong of H+W in Vancouver. Everything was very smooth, arrived at 6am Friday morning, was seated and talked to Dr Wong about my expectations, family history(since I am young), and potential. We chatted and drew up a hairline that was very close to my present, albeit sparse, hairline. He informed me that I had really nice scalp laxity, but density was not very good. Over-all we were going for a stronger hairline, and coverage being prioritized from the front to the crown, if there was any left. We washed up, changed and sat down several minutes later to shave the entire top of my head, from hairline to crown. There was minimal discomfort and more than likely it was in my mind. (Just knowing whats going on back there makes me a little sick). To make this long story short we ended up with slightly over 5000 grats. Dr Wong also gave me a prescription for Proscar along with a pill-cutter. I had just begun Propecia a couple weeks earlier (55$ a month for 30 1mg pills), and he def helped me save a lot of money there. Ended up buying 8 months worth at the pharmacy down the street for 154$. Apparently in America, doctors are not allowed to do this, so thanks to Dr. Wong! Went home and fell asleep very quickly, woke up to a blood soaked pillow cover(another thanks to Dr. Wong for the pillow cover). I woke up with some mild discomfort the next morning and proceeded to the airport. The security at the airport was a pain. I arrived 3.5 hours before my flight had to leave, since sitting in my hotel room was getting very boring. Customs was a breeze, explianed the sitation and they waived me along to the security check point. I get to security and they ask me to remove my hat, which I did very carefully. After seeing my head they ask me to step aside, I was searched a couple times, and asked to empty my bags and then re-searched. This was fine, I had time and they were being polite, but he asked me to remove my hat again, this was a third time. I told him that they had already had me remove it twice, and it was a little tender as I had just comleted surgury. Anyway I did one last time and that was it. I am finally home now, and I will provide the pre-op and immediate post op photos when they arrive.
  11. I just completed my operation with Dr Wong a day ago, and had a difficult time going through Vancouver(YVR) Security as well. I understand that a patient who has just had 5000+ grafts done less than 24 hours ago is going to look slightly suspicious, but its a slight pain. To be clear, I arrived 3.5 hours before my flight had to leave, since sitting in my hotel room was getting very boring. Customs was a breeze, explianed the sitation and they waived me along to the security check point. I get to security and they ask me to remove my hat, which I did very carefully. After seeing my head they ask me to step aside, I was searched a couple times, and asked to empty my bags and then re-searched. This was fine, I had time and they were being polite, but he asked me to remove my hat again, this was a third time. I told him that they had already had me remove it twice, and it was a little tender as I had just comleted surgury. Anyway I did one last time and that was it. It was long and uncomfortable, but I guess understandable experience. Not to totally side track the thread but I am experiencing a LOT of swelling. Its actually getting difficult to keep my left eye fully open. I know thats not normal, but is it cause for alarm? and is icing my head ok?
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