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Scheduled Hair Transplant with Dr. Cinik in August 2018

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Hi everyone!

I am 27 years old from Toronto, Canada and I just want to share that after months and months of intensive research, I have decided to go with Dr. Cinik in Turkey on August 29th.
I will be posting regular updates of my HT as the weeks and months go by with photos of my progress.

Stay tuned 

Edited by superflash
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Thanks for the comment @HairGone29.

I just read that post and as scary as it sounds...in the end he still said his results are good and he's happy with them. I read the comments too where other people said they went with Dr. Cinik and it wasn't as bad as that guy described.

I dunno man if you find horror stories from a clinic then you remove them from your list of potential places and then if you find zero negative reviews then you start to think something is fishy and the negative reviews got removed or paid to say positive things only. Anyway, I'm still happy with my decision/research.

I know that the doctor is not doing the entire procedure, I don't know why that guy thought he was. I was told Dr. Cinik's clinic does 5 surgeries a day but those are ones where people didn't pay to have the channels opened by Dr. Cinik.

Dr. Cinik does no more than 2/day where he opens the channels himself...so I've been told.

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Why not go with Dr. Nader in Mexico?

I can't find one bad review but I personally spoke with a very satisfied customer who has recommended his friends to Nader, as well.

All were very satisfied.

Dr. Nader does EVERYTHING himself.

$2.50 per graft.  Only does manual FUE!

Check out "YouTube: Tom Forrester."

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Sounds like you've been won over by the price. I'm shocked you'd still go there after reading that the technicians handled money and then continued to work on the scalp. That alone would be a no from me, if you ended up with an infection you could lose all the grafts. 

Anyways if you go there be sure to leave an honest review 

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10 hours ago, HairGone29 said:

Sounds like you've been won over by the price. I'm shocked you'd still go there after reading that the technicians handled money and then continued to work on the scalp. That alone would be a no from me.

Ya man that was a big eye catcher for me too. It's definitely something I'll make sure to ask about and clarify with them (about their hygienic methods) but it wasn't the price that won me over. From doing my research, I shortlisted Dr. Cinik along with 3 other doctors/clinics which offered around the same price range with less than $1000 difference in price, which is nothing compared to a $20k procedure in North America. From doing more research, I selected Dr. Cinik. I was almost always able to find 1 horror story/negative review on any doctor.

You can find someone with bad results from the best doctors and you can find someone with the best results from the cheapest doctors. I'm just tired of researching and reading forums and reviews for endless nights, weeks and months. I will certainly post my experience and results.

Edited by superflash
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