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balding story

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Hello all,


This is my very first post.I have been reading the forum for past couple months but today thought of sharing my worries .


I have been loosing hairs since 3 4 years and today i am nw2 i guess.I don't want to take any medication as i fear the side effects.So many times a day i think that why is it that i had to loose hairs ,i was a handsome guy and usually got compliments every now and then,I was thinking of shaving my head and the get a hair transplant after 2 3 yrs,maybe some miracle cure will be discovered.This hair loss sucks man icon_frown.gif


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I always thought it took hair to make the guy hansome, but it's who you are as a person. As for the meds, w/o them, I probably would be a nw 5a. W/ propecia, the sides are reversible pretty quickly, if you have them. To me, the risk is worth it, especially if you're willing to risk a HT vs sides of meds...IMO.

P.S. I'm on avodart, but start w/ propecia first (if you and your dr. decide it's the right path).

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Enjoy these last days of having decent hair while you can. Go to the beach, socialize and have fun before many more than just you (especially women) treat you like 1/2 the man you were before for no other reason than losing your hair. If you think that you're not as attractive now as you once were, then in a few short years you will feel the true feeling of what it means to be a "baldie" or "that balding guy" in the eyes of the cold, cruel material world.


On the positive side it might be the very best thing that ever happens to you if you want to become a real person free from the trappings of fake materialistic life. I know all too well the feeling of being considered an irresitably attractive guy, and then due to hairloss being almost completely invisible. It hurts, and you learn alot about the coldness and gross superficiality of most people -- especially the women in the USA! When I had all of my hair there were women chasing me everywhere I went because my looks were on the level of a GQ model. But once the hairline goes the same type women won't even make eye contact with you, and they just stare right through you as if you have lepracy or don't even exist. But what do they matter anyway in the grand scheme of things ?


One thing is for certain though: propecia is your only hope of retaining the hair that you have, even if it's just for a little while longer. Otherwise it will be 2 years from now (that seem like 2 minutes) and you will be staring in the mirror at an old man who looks 20 years older than he really is. Once MPB starts its' holocaust on your hair follicles that is pretty much a guaruntee!

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Guys can you tell me that is it necessary that if i start on propecia i will be having those side effects or is it just the stated 2% of all that have the side effects.Man i am really worried about my hairs now.How many grafts do u guys think will restore my hair line or give me a look that does'nt seem a balding one.

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And also can u tell me that am i nw2 or nw3 .Also plz tell me that is it that the hair loss progresses at a certain rate or it can be instant also.I don't have any family history of balding neither from mother side nor from father side.I don't understand why the hell it is happening to me icon_frown.gif

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You are a NW3 V (barely). Even though you have no history of balding, hairloss has attacked many here with no history of HL. Meds will usually halt the progression. It could progress over 15 years or over 1 year (it can be quick sometimes). It is a difficult thing to predict. I started losing my hair at 21 y/o and look like I have a full head of hair and w/o avodart, I would look awful (That you can take to the hairbank!). I started propecia at 25 and avodart in nov. 2002 and haven't look back.

First thing is to HALT your hairloss, then evaluate.

BTW, I had no sides on propecia, and with avodart, I'm still fine.

Like I said, you need to stabilize your HL then talk about number of grafts. Once you do, maybe 2,800 - 3000 for hairline and crown, but I can't stress enough about halting the crown. You should start (after meds at least 9 months to 12) with the hairline with around 2000-2500 and see if propecia regrows the crown, as I feel it will!!!

Still wait until 9 months and see if Propecia help with the front before doing a HT.

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Leeson thank you so much for ur advice,i saw your pictures now you look great man,i also liked labrat advice stating the positive side and freedom from the trappings of the materialistic life and many a times since i had hairs also i usually thought about life and thinking about god and what is life all about and many a times i usually detach myself from people sitting and smiling with no reason .I have seen many pics of many old people having hair transplant for i don't know what,The people in 20's ,30's if they have hair transplant one could understand that early stages of life and all but what about the old people ,maybe this thing shows clearly that the battle will never end ,no matter how good we look or anything we still will want more.


I know that now everyone will say that if i am so not materialistic then what the heck am i doing on this forum showing my worriedness for my hair loss,well i too am a human and sometimes a get worried thinking about what will happen in future icon_frown.gif.


And since this is the very first time i have posted on this forum please forgive me for any childish or idiotic talks icon_smile.gif. I also would love to hear from some senior people who have done their hair transplant ,wanna know that inspite of age still what forces them to get transplants because i had read in this forum young patients saying that it would had been ok if they had hair loss in later stages but see the later stages people also go for hair transplant so the story never ends.


sorry for such long post just wanted to share my thoughts icon_smile.gif

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First of all, you are NOT a Norwood 3V. You are a Norwood 2 who is heading to a NW 3. I know because I am NW3v and I've had 2 respected HT docs look at my head close-up, and my hairloss is much worse than yours -- but I am also 16 years your senior!

Concerning all the older men (40+) getting HTs, go to the Hasson & Wong site (photos section) and you will be fully confirmed that this ratwheel of insecurity with appearence and aging is a never ending phenomenon for most. It's basically the same psychology as bolemia is for women; most people are simply not happy to accept who they are and are constantly and obsessively evalutating themselves and focusing on their material faults. This is why the Zen masters from Tibet all shave their heads, because being concerned about hair and physical appearence GUARUNTEES that you WILL NOT be able to reach a higher state of consciousness. People in this state of mind are locked down in the material reality, and they will only become more miserable and desperate as they age. The ONLY reason why any of us are traumatized by hairloss is because SOCIETY places the emphasis on "having hair" as being attractive. It's really that simple! If you woke up tomorrow and turned on the TV and suddenly it was in vogue to be a bald guy, then you would actually feel lucky that you were losing your hair.

The reason I feel hairloss was one of the best things that ever happened to me was because it helped me to become a real person and seek real meaning in life. If you can just stay in the clubs all through your 20s and have meaningless relationships with women then YOU WILL !! It's the nature of the beast, and losing hair will actually force you to become a man much earlier in life. Most of the young guys on here getting HTs are doing so because they feel "robbed of their youth", which really means they feel robbed of being able to live an easy, superficial life free of hardships.

Now you may ask, why am I here on this forum if I really don't give a rats arse about all this ? Well, I'm a musician/songwriter who composes original music. I have also made some groundbreaking recordings as of late and am being offered publishing contracts from several major music labels. But my manager (a woman) who is very well connected in the business insists that being a balding guy will probably deny me a contract. I am a singer and she feels I have amazing talent, but the biz is VERY critical of appearence and they will pick a person with very little talent who looks good over a person with major talent who doesn't. It's disgusting, but it is very true and I'm having to learn it the hard way.

I really could care less about being a balding guy, because my heart and soul is pure and I have found something in life that very few people ever come close to finding. But I feel it would be a crime for my music not to reach a larger audience just because of DISCRIMINATION against balding guys. On the Hasson and Wong site (video section) you will find 2 actors (Gemini twins) who recently had a HT. Why ? Because it was limiting their careers. Again, it's DISGUSTING but it is very true!

On another note, I have been down to South America (Argentina) and the culture there is VERY different. You will see bald guys there who are totally happy and totally not concerned in the least with being bald. And they have beautiful wives and girlfriends who are also NOT concerned about their husbands/boyfriends being bald! You really have to be there and witness it to believe it, real people treating each other with dignity and respect and accepting them for who they are inside. I met a guy there (one of MANY) who is 45 years old and a Norwood 6, and his wife from Sweden is 22 and very sweet. They also have a child and are a very happy family. She can care less that he is older and bald. But here in America this guy wouldn't stand a chance and would probably become a miserable introvert living under a hat.


END OF RANT ! Sorry it was so long.

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All that u said Labrat was very true and thanks for that moral supporting argentina story ,maybe if get complete bald i will have a place for finding beautiful gals icon_smile.gif lolz.Man i understood what u said and u are senior so i know that ur experience will definitely help me in easing the tension.


Also can you tell me that my mother always say that i had a very large forehead and when i see my old pics then my hairline is so uneven but during past 3 4 years it has become more like nw2 ,so just wanted to know that for sure is it the MPB or it can be what i read like hairline maturation also.Also tell me that those finpecia drugs from india are they safe and just like propecia as i see they are a lot cheaper.



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I would already be living in Argentina if my career opportunities were not located here right now in the USA. I might even decide to pass it all up and move there anyway. I am driven by music and the need to communicate a positive, life affirming message to my fellow human brothers and sisters. It's just that I have already had some success that most musicians would feel is significant, being promoted by 2 different large indie labels. But now (according to my manager) several major labels have heard my latest record and want to put alot of money behind the promotion. I could really reach a worldwide audience, but my "look" is something that will need a major overhaul according to her. She is excited for me because she knows I have great facial features and will look very attractive with solid NW2 hair. She even recommended a hair system, but that is FAKE and I would never consider it in a million years! I am not a fake person, so this is a real hard thing for me brother!! But a HT is your real hair just relocated from the back, so it's a pill much easier for me to swallow. I told her I could just shave my head if the "balding" look is so terrible; but she said that the shaved head trend is going out soon and that the 80s hair days are coming back. I feel like it's disgusting that I even have to think about any of this crap!!


Anyway, finpecia I have taken before and it's the same thing as Merck. You shouldn't have to pay any more than $35 for 30 5mg pills of finasteride. That's all I pay, and I get it from my local pharmacy now. Cut it into fourths and take 1 piece every other day. If you respond well to it then your hair will thicken up alot. From your photos I think your hair looks pretty good man, so stop stressing about it too much. Get away from the mirror and just start living; it's pathetic the way so many guys spend so much time in front of mirrors, such a waste of precious life !! If you feel insecure inside then that will project out from you onto to other people and they will be less attracted to you. It's really a mental thing; the more confident you feel about yourself (not conceit, but confidence in who you are) the more people will treat you better and overlook your hairloss. Although many women in the USA (and the UK too) will probably still reject you because of it, but trust me they are mostly worthless and would not love you even if you had Brad Pitts hair anyway. They will use you and move on to the next guy because these type women are so superficial that they see men as objects for sexual exploitation; they are mentally ill, so do yourself a favor and avoid them.


If you can afford the plane ticket i would get down to Argentina ASAP and have some real fun. Go to Cordoba and you will be well received, and you might just meet the love of your life there. She will not care that you are losing some hair either! The women there are the sweetest and most genuine women I have ever met in my life!!

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Hey guys,


was just curious to know that do u think the side effects of propecia are over hyped,i mean that all the docs recommend it and i got a reply from Dr, Pathuri Madhu that propecia side effetcs are over hyped but there are sites like propecia help which if one goes through then i guess one can never start on propecia.


So just wanted the advice of some senior members and also people in the 20's that is it ok to take propecia.



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