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Compare my photos from Aug-09 to Today Oct-09

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I didn't realized just how quickly my hair loss has progressed since I compared these pictures tonight. One set was taken in August. Just 3 months ago. And I took these today. In a way, I'm glad its falling out, so I can get to my transplant quicker. I'd hate for it to fall out slowly and have to wait years before doing it.


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  • Senior Member



It's difficult to compare these photos due to angles and resolution, but I can honestly say you are the first person I've ever met who is glad their hair is falling out at an accelerated pace so they can quickly get a HT.


I think a rapid thinning should set off some alarms and should make you more hesitant to get a HT, not the other way around.


I think the best HT candidate is one whose hair loss has stabilized somewhat. I don't mean it has "stopped", but certainly slowed down or stabilized to the point that one can make a good assessment of utilization of grafts and hairline design.


Are you on any meds - Propecia and/or Rogaine?


Has your diet changed lately? Increased stress?


How old are you? What is your family history with respect to hair loss?


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Are you on any meds - Propecia and/or Rogaine?


No meds now. I took propecia from 21 to 27. Started getting ED and stopped taking it. Now that the meds have stopped, my hair is dropping out.


Has your diet changed lately? Increased stress?


Very high stress levels. Work and Personal life.


How old are you? Currently 29. What is your family history with respect to hair loss?


3 out of 4 uncles on moms side are bald.

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Captain O,


Given that you are under increased stress, both from work and your personal life, that could be the cause of your recent shedding which may or may not be permanent. Perhaps look into some multivitamins and Rogaine Foam to hang onto what you have.


Given your hair loss right now along with your family history, you need to tread carefully, take your time doing your research and seek some consultations from top doctors. But don't be in any hurry to have a HT! Very few regret waiting... but many have regretted rushing into one.




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member

Hey again, CaptainO.


After reading your recent thread and expressing my concerns, I decided to check out your other posts - which led me to this thread.


I would like to draw your attention to the photo you have in the 4th post of this thread -here-



In the photo, just at the side of the receding hairline there is a round bald spot. Have you seen a dermatologist about this area? If not I strongly suggest you do so.


I'm no doctor but that area is screaming alopecia areata to me. This is different from androgenic alopecia (MPB).


The circle loss in the photo is only on 1 side and does not look typical of MPB, again I am no doctor but this area doesn't look like androgenic alopecia to me and I suspect it may be a case alopecia areata.


If any doctors read this thread, please comment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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You are absolutely correct. I did see a dermatologist here in Newport Beach. She asked me a few questions and we came to the conclusion it was the result of all the stress I went thru. She put me on some foam medication which doesn't seem to be working.


I just had my 3rd consultation with Dr Meshkin and we discussed the possibilities. The dr mentioned that if I go through with the HT, I may run the risk of having that hair fall out if it gets "attacked" like the others, however, being that my stress level has gone down by 85%, I am exercising regularly now, I am taking vitamins, and I have a much healthier diet, I felt comfortable with going forward with the HT. I am scheduled to go in Jan 12 with Dr Meshkin in Newport Beach, CA.

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Hey CaptainO,


I'm glad you've seen the dermatologist. I really don't think it's wise to proceed with your transplant at this time. Treatment for alopecia areata is often very successful so personally I'd wait and see if I had any success in treating the area first.


There is little point placing and using up valuable grafts in an area where they are likely not needed, you also run a high risk of little to no growth in the area of AA until it stabilizes.


As you are fairly likely to regrow the hair lost to alopicia areata, how can the doctor possibly know where to place the grafts so he doesn't damage and/or affect the growth of the follicles that are being attacked by AA? I'd also be concerned about what might happen when both the grafted hair and your native hair start to regrow.

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