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A little different case of smoking after HT

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I am someone whom you will call a sporadic smoker. I always smoke when I drink and party. (On an average, once in 2 weeks drinker). Otherwise there is no real pattern. It could be 1 smoke a day for 4 days and nothing at all for the next 2 weeks, 5 smokes a day for 2 months and nothing at all for 3 months.


I stopped smoking a month before the surgery and 2 months and a week after it. Same with the drinks too. I partied yesterday for the first time since the surgery and was smashed out of my wits. 10 ish drinks and about 6-7 cigs. I have no addiction issues as you may have understood by now from my pattern. My thought process was just on the lines of should I make the best of this break and quit forever or just go back to how I used to be. I had completely forgotten I had a surgery. I had completely forgotten that it is ideal if I din't smoke until I saw the new hair. That was my plan.


Somehow, this illusion of being being safe and a false sense of security has creeped in. I guess I started believing subconsciously that its been 2 months out from the surgery and I am basically back to normal and I have no restrictions whatsoever. Had I remembered about the surgery and my initial plan of not to smoke until I saw new hair, I wouldn't have smoked. Easy! I know it is strange. Hair gives me more purpose than the threat of cancer. Very strange!


To cut a long story short, I want to know some specific details on smoking and its affect on a HT. Obviously, there are innumerable posts and recommendations in the forum and outside of it. I have read them. But, they are not very specific.


1. When the recommendation is not to smoke, is it about smoking on a regular basis or any smoking at all?

2. Will a one off night like mine do any damage?

3. If yes, what is the extent of the damage?

4. If yes, until when after the HT should one hold off before he can have an one off?

5. At 2 months out, won't the grafts be totally secure, invulnerable and be immune to this temporary (I assume its temporary) constricting of blood vessels and the reduction of blood flow, just like our normal hair?

6. How long will the vessels be constricted for this one day of moderate smoking?

7. Is there anything that can be done to limit the damage if any/improve the situation?


It is safe to assume that there won't be anymore smoking as I am now ADEQUATELY reminded of the surgery. LOL!


Weigh in people.

Edited by MayiraP0chu

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

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It's commonly known among regular forum members that smoking constricts the blood vessels and inhibits the supply of oxygen to the cells. This can impact post-surgical healing. Having said that, some guys never quit or even reduce their smoking and still obtain excellent results. It's one of those things where many factors come into play.


No one will be able to successfully predict if or how it might affect their results. I don't smoke but when it comes to anything that could potentially harm the outcome of a hair transplant (or any other surgery for that matter), I like to err on the side of caution.


In your particular case, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. You quit smoking during the most important pre-op and healing stages. After 2 months and with very little smoking, I'm sure you're grafts are just fine.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Thanks David!


I understand there are no conclusions and comprehensive studies done on it and what David has said above is the general understanding and consensus. I don't think even doctors can give a conclusive answer to points like 3, 4, 6, which are very very specific. But, it will be a great material to fall back on if anyone could shed light on points 1, 2 and 5. I believe those are the most important ones and can be answered to a reasonable degree of certainty if not absolute.


As for point 7, drinking plenty of water, anti oxidants, minoxidil, physical exercise etc will help to alleviate.


I will continue to read on the scholarly articles I can find on the subject and update the thread if I find anything relevant.

Edited by MayiraP0chu

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

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I had/have great results, and I smoke. Difficult to say how it can, will, or won't effect results imho. I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep over it :-)

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Hey, thanks for chiming in Ernie. Yes, I am well aware about the SMOKING procedures you have had. Pun definitely intended :D.

There is no doubt its not something thats going to affect every single person. May be it doesn't affect anyone at all. May be it does. The only thing that can be done I guess is to err on the caution side and continue educating ourselves on the subject. I know a guy personally who never quit too and had a successful procedure. Much like you.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

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You're one of those people I've always envied. Those who can smoke here and there without ever getting a full habit!


Everything everyone has said above is true. The vasoconstrictive effects of smoking are what can be detrimental to a result, but the real effects of this have not (and probably cannot) be measured.


Ernie is an example of someone whose smoking didn't prevent him from getting what must be one of the nicest results I've seen in all my years on this scene. But also remember that some people smoke through most of their lives with no ill effects while others might get cancer. Point being that it varies from person to person.


That individual susceptibility could also matter when it comes to the effects of smoking on an HT result, and if you're someone who doesn't have an actual addiction to smoking then there's no excuse for not stopping completely, in the interests of your HT investment.


With that said, I do think the most damage would occur in the very early post-op stages, when the transplanted follicles are re-establishing their blood supply. At two months I doubt if your transplanted follicles are at any more risk than any other follicle on your scalp.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


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I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Excellent mattj! Elaborate and specific as I requested. Thanks for taking your time.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

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Smoking shrinks small blood vessels and decreases oxygen to tissues. Studies that I had to learn back in the 90s suggested that for facial plastic surgery, best to quit at least 10 days preop. Less important postop actually, but I'm virtually certain that hair gets revascularized by plasmatic imbibition, like skin grafts, and thus the hairs are trying to die for about 10 days...


And if that isn't enough, in 23 years of surgery, we've had 1 facelift infection in nonsmokers and 1 hair infection in nonsmokers, and about 10 in each group in smokers.


So don't smoke.


Dr. Lindsey

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hi MayiraP0chu,

I actually replied before I saw your email. I'm glad you liked my response.


Dr Lindsey: that's interesting. Do you know how smoking would be the cause of post-operative infections? Is the constriction of blood vessels the cause?

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Thank you very much Dr. Lindsey! Interesting insights. I appreciate you taking the time.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

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Sure mattj!


Less important postop actually, but I'm virtually certain that hair gets revascularized by plasmatic imbibition, like skin grafts, and thus the hairs are trying to die for about 10 days...


Dr. Lindsey


I am a bit confused with this passage. Its not that important after PostOp, grafts easily attain perfusion - AND - thus the hairs are trying to die for about 10 days? Matt or anyone else can clarify this?

Edited by MayiraP0chu

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



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