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Worried about my grafts

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I recently had a FUE done to enhance my stash/chin hair.


One week out (7th day post op), I was told I could resume normal washing routine, so I began using my usual face wash and exfoliating scrub. My grafts became inflammed and most grafts became red and bumpy at the root, so I stopped using it. I was given a topical steroid (applied twice a day, for a week) to calm things down. At this point, my scabs had all fallen off (they had all fallen off by day 5 and doctor said I was healing faster than normal with regards to scabbing).


All my hair has now shed after 6 weeks. I was wondering if I am at risk of my grafts failing.


I was very careful in the first week after the procedure, using the shampoo I was provided by the clinic and only using my finger tips. I should have known better than to use an exfoliating scrub, but thought it would be ok because the surgeon gave me permission to resume normal washing. There was never any grafts that were pulled out, or any blood. I'm scared the inflammation damaged the grafts beyond repair, and I'm particularly anxious because all my hair has shed now and it looks worse than before.


I read that after a week, things should be ok. But I wanted to know what you guys thought.

Edited by hope2345
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I don't hear anything in your post that makes me think that your grafts are at any risk. What makes you feel that your grafts are in jeopardy? Using your finger tips is the right way to gently work the scabs off and as long as you didn't see blood, I have no reason to believe that you will lose any of your precious grafts.


Now let's see some photos and hear more about your actual experience. Who was the doctor, etc.? :-)


Best wishes,



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The grafts should have been secure by then and you're unlikely to have actually dislodged any - and you would have almost certainly noticed the bleeding if you had. So I think you're safe.


It is completely normal to have shed the grafts by this stage and looking worse than pre-op is a common and unavoidable part of the hair transplant process. I am curious how you feel you look worse. As your beard area was treated, I wouldn't have thought that the usual ways in which a scalp HT patient can look worse post-op would be as applicable. Have you lost some of the already existing hair due to shockloss?


I repeat that I think you'll be fine. You don't describe any signs of lost grafts and what you do describe sounds very typical for this early stage.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member

I think Bill and Mattj are spot-on. Post some pictures for us to see. I'm really curious to see your process and results. I know your anxious but hang in there and be patient. You should be just fine.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I am worried that the inflammation from washing my face with the scrubs killed the grafts. I'm not worried about having dislodged any. Since I didn't see any blood when washing, I think my grafts are all in place.


I'm getting a lot of pimples and ingrowns right now and was worried about what's going on. I look terrible right now.


Anything that can aid the healing? Area is still very red, with lots of pimples and black spots under the skin which look like ingrowns.


Thanks for your replies

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I do not believe washing your face, even if you touched some of the grafts by mistake would have hurt the grafts. The only way to really hurt the is to dislodge them and you would know if they were dislodged if you saw blood. It doesn't sound like that is the case so I'm sure you are fine.


Best wishes,



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