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Looking to do HT; advice needed (photos attached)

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Hi everyone,


I'm new here and have been reading lurking for awhile. I have decided I want to do HT as it is affecting my confidence to live life to the fullest.


I have been losing hair since I was 20 and I am 30 this year.


I emailed Dr Path and one of his doctors replied that I need about 3000 grafts (285, 000 baht). Do you guys agree I need about 3000 or maybe more?


Is Dr Path still recommended? I read one post that was asking why is he no longer recommended. Please advice.


Apart from Dr Path, is there any other doctor to recommend in the south-east asia region? Thailand, malaysia, etc.


Thank you.













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  • Regular Member

My advice is always the same. Do what I wish I would've done 2 years ago. Find Self-acceptance! But let's be honest very few come to this forum site to hear about self acceptance nonsense. Lol! And I definitely wouldn't have heeded my own future selfs advice 2 years ago. I know that. So with that said and for whatever grain of salt it's worth here is what I wish I'd done.


Just buzz it down with a zero guard. Grow some in facial hair. Join a gym, start lifting weights, get into good physical shape.

Skip the all the dangerous risky meds, pricey shampoo and foams, and best of all completely avoid the life long sentence that comes with getting a HT. I ultimately regretted my decision to get a HT and wish I'd made a different choice.

Of course that was just my experience. Some people here are positively thrilled with their HT's. But not everyone is! Good luck with whatever you choose, and do what feels right for you.

I only have one last word of advice. Judging from your pics It looks like you'll likely be losing a good deal MORE hair as you age into and near your 40's. What are you going to do as your native hair loss progress? More surgeries? Have you tried Fin for at least half a year to see if you can tolerate the sides associated with that drug? Again don't do like I did and find out AFTER you have a HT that you are unable to take Fin. In my opinion if your going to get a HT you MUST be ok with taking Fin to help halt future loss. Otherwise you just lose hair behind your grafts too fast, and eventually the donor site will become depleted. Just something to think about before going all in on the HT route.

Edited by biolizard
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  • Senior Member

Your pictures look similar to me prior to my first surgery in 2012. Take a look at my results. I've posted pictures during my whole journey to the present. ....MyFUEhairtransplant.com. Best of luck with your decision and keep us posted with your progress.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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While Dr. Path isn't currently on our list of recommended doctors, I have no reason to believe that he isn't still performing great surgery. That said, we also recommend an excellent doctor in Thailand, Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong - he was trained by Dr Pathomvanich and was approved for recommendation several months ago. I strongly encourage you to visit his profile and consult with him.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Hey man. I have the same hair loss pattern as you and I had 3.2k implanted this past April. I'm at 5 months now and you can see my results in my thread.


At my stage of the process I would say that I would have liked to get a little more for more density in the hair line. There's a see through effect right now in harsher lighting and I think that an additional 500 - 800 in the front would make my hairline look super good and natural. Obviously I still have more growth and maturing in the months ahead, but given that I'm at 70% or so final results right now, thats what I currently feel. Let me know if you have any questions.




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