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New Shampoo ad


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  • Senior Member

Last night I saw several TV ads featuring Loreal new "thickening shampoo" for thinning hair that claims to make your hair 30-50% more thicker and in the process hide thinning scalp. I believe the name was Loreal VIVE or VIBE-- I can not remember.


Has anyone tried this shampoo? I remember a previous post about 3 months ago, and I think someone mentioned this shampoo-- if so, any feedback/results/opinions??

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  • Senior Member


That was me, and I've been using it since, still.


The shampoo itself works like any other. As for the thickening, I'm having a hard time telling if it really does.

My hair is to thin to even notice.


But, it's worth trying.

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  • Senior Member



I have used it also. I does seem to thicken the hair a bit, though not as much as Nioxin. It is most certainly cheaper than Nioxin, though, so if you are looking to save a couple of bucks and have almost the same bang for your buck, then I would say it couldn't hurt.





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