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Does sleep deprivation harm the grafts?

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I am back with another question :D I feel it's an important one to be asked.


I am 10 days PostOp. I slept well on the surgery day. I have been having poor sleep ever since. I would go to bed at 11. End up sleeping only at 2. And that too would be disturbed naturally because of the limited sleeping positions and pain. I will wake up every time I change positions. So, just imagine how many times I would have woken up in sleep.


I have been tired because of this during the day and also a slight on and off headachish feeling on the left side of my head from the hairline, all the way to the neck.


And I have started shedding from day 8. Very minimal. I notice it on the hairline. Could be on other places too. I don't know. But, strangely, I notice the shedding mainly on the left side. Lol! Could be a coincidence or I am imagining it. The last two days though, I am back to having good sleep. I go to bed at 2 now and have had some solid sleep.


But please note, I have also been having proper cold from the middle of the surgery. Could be some medicine that trigged my allergies. For years, I always have had this headachish feeling when I am sleep deprived or when I have cold. And also, I ve generally had disturbed sleep for a long time as I sleep late at night and wake up late in the day and thus part of my sleep is during the day time and thus disturbed.


So, my question again is.....will sleep deprivation I have had for a week after the surgery affect the grafts and thus the end results?



Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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Thanks Spring15 for a super speedy reply.


Looking forward to thoughts from more people.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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Thanks Swooping!

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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I've never heard of sleep having any effect on the outcome of a HT. Lack of data doesn't mean that there is no link, but it seems unlikely and I'm sure that some patients might find it hard to sleep due to a combination of nerves and the different sleeping position.


The shedding is totally normal, BTW.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


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I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Once again, thanks MattJ!

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm 10 days post op & I'm still having a VERY difficult time staying asleep for too long. I normally tend to move around a lot when I sleep & usually shift from side to side. I'm also trying not to lie down on the sides due to some new transplanted hairs around my ears. I really hadn't been able to sleep well the past week.... & throw in Houston flooding on top of that, but that's in a new thread I just posted *sigh*.

2000 FUT with Dr Bernardino Arocha - August 2017

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CuriousGirl Haha!


I remember reading your posts on itching too. Very similar recovery like mine.


I feel you!

It gets better. Another week and you should be alright. One month mark and you l forget you ever had a transplant.


Wish you a breezy recovery and happy growing.



Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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That is a very interesting question. Here is my perspective and opinion on it but not just opinion, it is based on research. Generally speaking, lack of sleep, perhaps not the perfect diet, other physical issues are not going to affect hair growth. However extreme situations where you have not slept in weeks or or not eating at all and getting no nutrition, can affect your physical appearance which includes your hair. So generally speaking, not be able to sleep for a few hours here and there is not going to hurt you but, anything extreme could impact your overall health which will affect your physical appearance which includes hair growth.


In your case I don't think you have anything to worry about.


Best wishes,



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Thanks Bill!


It concurs with my research too.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



My Androgenic Alopecia Scrapbook


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