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one month after using minoxidil


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Hello friends,

i start using minoxidil 5% five weeks ago

I really worried about the shedding process in my head

all the hair in the crown gone !

I add two picture before using and after. (the left one is before)

Do you think guys it is OK ?

Thank you very much for your help



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Different angles and picture clarity, but it does look like a big difference. All I can say is that the hair was very thin in the area pre-Minoxidil, it wasn't providing much coverage and would almost certainly be lost in the near future anyway.


It is normal to shed after starting Minoxidil (shedding is a common side effect of any treatment that is actually successful and worthwhile) and the shed hairs will hopefully grow back stronger than before. That's a very realistic outcome.


Forgive me if in my first paragraph I seemed indifferent to the fate of your hairs. I only said that because if the worst case scenario pans out and you don't recover those hairs, it's best if you accept that they weren't of much use to you before you started Minoxidil.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I can't say that you'll definitely re-grow the lost hair because in my experience there are some unlucky people whose hair doesn't recover from the shedding. That's the reality and I feel it's my duty (speaking as a doctor's representative as well as someone who wants his advice to be complete) to prepare you for all possible outcomes.


With that said, I definitely think you'll re-grow what you lost and should stick with the treatment. The vast majority of Minoxidil users get through the shed and come out the other side with more hair than when they began the treatment.


I hope you'll keep us updated.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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As others have already stated, shedding is a normal part of the minoxidil medication working. Typically hairs that are vellus (shorter, white hairs that have been effected by DHT) will shed because they were on their way out anyway. If minoxidil caused the shed, you will likely see many new hairs sprouting in time but whether or not they will ever grow into terminal hairs or stay vellus I don't know When I used minoxidil for awhile, I grew a lot of short, white vellus hairs in the crown but they never grew or matured. So I eventually stopped using it Truthfully, only hair transplant surgery is proven to grow hair in completely bald areas. So even if you do see some regrowth, keep your expectations low. You're not going to obtain a full crown of hair again with minoxidil.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
Different angles and picture clarity, but it does look like a big difference. All I can say is that the hair was very thin in the area pre-Minoxidil, it wasn't providing much coverage and would almost certainly be lost in the near future anyway.


It is normal to shed after starting Minoxidil (shedding is a common side effect of any treatment that is actually successful and worthwhile) and the shed hairs will hopefully grow back stronger than before. That's a very realistic outcome.


Forgive me if in my first paragraph I seemed indifferent to the fate of your hairs. I only said that because if the worst case scenario pans out and you don't recover those hairs, it's best if you accept that they weren't of much use to you before you started Minoxidil.


How often is "shedding" "normal"? ...and how much? ...ive noticed very little shedding (less than a few hairs) every shampoo...yet it seems every couple of months i will get 20 hairs falling out over the sink just from passing my fingers through the top of my hair....Iam just curious what is normal, and what should be a concern...thanks.

12/11/17 2500 FUE Grafts with Dr. Steven Gable

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new update after 4 month


Different hair length but I see clear improvement. You've got more hair at the crown and the midscalp area looks thicker too. This just goes to show what Minoxidil can do.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member
How often is "shedding" "normal"? ...and how much? ...ive noticed very little shedding (less than a few hairs) every shampoo...yet it seems every couple of months i will get 20 hairs falling out over the sink just from passing my fingers through the top of my hair....Iam just curious what is normal, and what should be a concern...thanks.


Are you talking about shedding from Minoxidil or just general shedding? "Normal" varies from person to person. Anecdotally, my other half leaves a huge number of hairs in the bath and she has very thick, dense hair. I was amazed enough by the amount I found last night that I actually took a photo and sent it down to her. She said it's always like that for her. That's her "normal".


It doesn't sound like you're losing a massive amount of hair and the important thing is whether those shed hairs are being replaced by new ones or not. Losing density, receding or the formation of a bald spot are the true indicators of hairloss.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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