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Can new hair shed again within months?

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  • Senior Member

So maybe I'm just being paranoid but I actually feel like my hair has actually gotten a little weaker in the past month. :confused:


Once the new hairs grow in, can they shed again within a few months as part of the natural pattern of shedding and regrowth?


I am now at 9 months and I had really good growth until about month 6, but it feels like it hasn't really improved since then and if anything I feel like the front/hairline is now a little weaker. Now it could be the length of the hair. I was growing the top longer (its around 3 inches long) but I'm now wondering if the length is making it appear less dense? I was planning a hair cut on Saturday but I think I'll go shorter than originally planned to see if that makes a difference.

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  • Senior Member

Very doubtful that the newly grown grafts from your procedure are shedding again. It just may be other hair in the region that is cycling.


And yes sometimes shorter hair looks fuller. It's all a visual illusion.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member

Thanks guys, I think I was just panicking a little. I've cut my hair shorter today and it feels better. Doesn't change the density of course, but as you say Gillenator, it helps create the illusion of more density. Think going forward I will keep it shorter.

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  • Senior Member

We're in the same boat mate. I think my right temple, where I had grafts placed, is definitely thinning. It looks more see through than the left temple and I'm wondering is this just cycling shedding at 8 months, or is the transplanted hair on it's way out.:confused:


I can't see any new hair coming through..

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