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I am trying to get some feedback regarding my crown and whether is has thinned sufficiently to have a hair transplant? I undertook a hair transplant a year ago for my temples which went well, however, it was not doctor led as I was led to believe and was concerned by the continued rotation of so-called 'hair techs'. That said I cannot complain about the results. I did not have any shedding which seems a little atypical and the grafts just grew from day 1. I have filmed its progression but seem unable to upload it. I am currently in Turkey, and boy do they want your business! The crown is a little thin and I am concerned that perhaps more damage than good could be done as it is not a bald canvass per se. I have been offered 1000 grafts with the Choi implanter but do not want to end up losing more hair from ironically trying to thicken the crown area up! Any advice?? I have a potential visit to the clinic on the 7th of July but have not had to pay any money upfront. The doctor will be doing the extraction and placement and is an associate ISHRS member. Any advice is most welcome! I have been taking Finasteride for about 10 months and Minoxidil foam for around 5 years. In my opinion, the Finasteride has really helped in reducing any more heavy hair loss. I am 45 and started losing my hair when I was around 30 but due to the power of cognitive dissonance was in complete denial about it. To the point where I would look in the mirror and would clearly see hair loss and just say "that cannot be right, my hair is fine!!". Sorry for the poor quality of the photos!





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  • Senior Member

10 months is still early for finasteride. You could possibly see improvements up to the 2 year point. I'd hold off until then. In the meantime, toppik would be good if it bothers you. Your crown looks good actually. Most of us on this site would kill for a crown like that.

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If I went ahead with the HT, do you think there is a high risk of causing more damage due to there being a little bit too much hair? I cannot believe I am saying 'a little bit too much hair'. Yes, I have used Toppik (other brands available!) and it works fine. I am just a bit fed up with it!!! Do you think there would be any expediency in using Dutasteride/ Avodart instead or in combination with Finasteride? I am also thinking about SMP as it appears to work pretty well as a concealer?

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Amazes me with all the HD camera smart phones we have today people with hair loss still post poor pictures I wonder y! Lol, anyway yes is the answer you run a very high risk of collateral damage to your surrounding hair especially in turkey where there are poor clinics, the crown is no job for a cowboy don't bother, go somewhere with a good reputation, stay on fin give it a longer term

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I think you are right, I will pass on the hair transplant and count myself lucky that the one I had for my temples last year went well regarding results. As you say the risk of it going wrong is just too high! Thanks for the advice, it is most appreciated. I will stick with the Finasteride as I believe it has really helped in the 10 months I have been using it for! When I asked for advice again it was regarding Malikaiman post not yours. I am very new to this so if I messed up replying, apologies! Once again thanks for your help Djlazerblue!

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Even with a high-end smartphone, it's easy to take bad photos if you don't take them in good light.


I'll echo the others and say it's definitely too early to consider touching your crown. Loss is very minimal and any procedure would risk losing more than you gain. And even if there were no risks, I would question whether there's any point as your crown looks fine as it is.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Hey Dolph1969, Your are certainly right, have used toppik but find it is a bit of a hassel, especially with my love of swimming! I have decided to go for SMP as this seems to offer a very similar result to the old hair fibres! Possibly this month or next! Thanks for the feedback.

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