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Hair Transplants and Diffuse Thinning

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  • Regular Member

Hello, everyone.


I have been trying to learn about hair transplants. I don't need one just now (I'm 36), but I might in the future, so I want to be informed.


However, the more I read, the more it seems as though my type of hair loss - diffuse thinning - isn't ideal for a hair transplant.


I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that, when it comes to hair transplants, it is better to have one weak area (a bald patch, a thin spot), so you can get that filled in. Then, your natural hair - which is still thick and dense - complements the area you have had done. I realise that there are lots of other factors that come into play: donor area, hair thickness, desired result, amount of coverage needed.


So, I guess my question is this: are transplants a complete no-no when it comes to diffuse thinning?

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  • Senior Member

depends on the type of diffuse thinning. Patterned you can still do it, unpatterned where your donor goes thru minaturization and loss makes you a far less likely candidate for a procedure. If you go on youtube, dr Lorenzo has a ton of cases of cases he did with diffuse patients and that's with fue, with fut you should be able to get even further grafts again provided you are patterned. If you have dupa, your donors may not support a procedure.

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  • Regular Member

Cheers, Mikey.


I'm planning to consult with some hair loss doctors in the near future. When I go to see them, I will ask them to check my donor area for minaturisation.


Without uploading a picture, the best way I can describe my hair is that any partings - well, places where the hair parts naturally - are wider than they used to be. I comb and style my hair to disguise this, but it's got to the point where I can't really do that effectively.


Thanks again,



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  • Senior Member

It is true that a diffuse hairloss pattern, compared to frontal recession, is a less favourable situation for a HT procedure; but that doesn't mean that a successful procedure isn't possible or that a person shouldn't pursue a procedure if they have a diffuse pattern.


Experienced HT surgeons know how to plant the grafts without damaging surrounding follicles. However, it's possible that at least some of your hairs in the area are miniaturizing and these hairs are destined to be lost and the surgery can hasten their loss.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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