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How to manage any pre-op enquiries/consults for overseas?

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  • Senior Member

I'm based in Australia and very close to making a decision to go with Dr Bisanga in Belgium for my first hair transplant.


However getting between Australia and Belgium isn't exactly cheap, and though I'm in a comfortable position to pay for the procedure and associated costs, I can't just be flying back and forth. Given the nature of the procedure you would obviously want a catch up to determine if I'm even suitable and what he feels he could do with my hair.


I'm not concerned about his credibility at all, from everything I've read he's one of if not the best in the business. But my worst nightmare would be to do all the preparation both mentally and physically, get on a 20 hour flight only to be told I'm not suitable for whatever reason.


So for those who have travelled a fair distance for a HT how did you get around this?

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  • Senior Member

Hi Benny,


In the case of UK patients flying to Dr Bhatti's clinic in India for their procedures, they are pretty much guaranteed that the surgery will go ahead once they reach there.


During the initial consultation stage all patient medical details are disclosed and if there is a risk of the surgery not going ahead for any reason, it is determined at this stage.


Details pics and in many cases one to one consultations in the UK and abroad will identify any problems such as limited scalp donor, unreal expectations or a patients current mental state that will put the procedure at risk.


If it is deemed as in some cases that the patient is not a suitable candidate for hair transplant surgery then he/she is told at this stage where no costs to them are incurred.


In your case, I'm sure Dr Bisangas' people would have followed a similar process so once on that plane you should fully expect your surgery to take place.


I wish you all the best.

Edited by Shera
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