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Concerns on my treatment pigment dot size

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Hi I took the plunge and started treatment just under 2 months ago.


Ive had my 3rd treatment 2 weeks ago and supposed to go back for more soon.


Im just concerned with the way the treatment is looking currently, I know it's not finished yet but can help be worried with the pigment sizes.


The pictures taken were a day after shaving and I'm supposed to grow hair slightly longer like 0.5 but I wanted to demonstrate the pigments clearly.


I raised the issue before and practitioner said it can be sorted but not sure how?


If anyone can give feedback please





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  • Senior Member

Sorry to say but that looks like very poor SMP work. After 3 treatments the dots should be much more consistent and you should have more density. The dots should also be healed by now and appear more like stubble. The darker dots look like the technician injected too deep and probably had the needle at an angle. I suggest you seek laser treatment to remove what's there (thankfully you were not blasted with too much pigment so 1-3 sessions should do the trick). Do not allow this technician to continue working on you.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thank you for sharing your concerns and photos on our hair loss forum. I'm in agreement with hairthere the work I'm seeing isn't good. I'm no expert in SMP however, I know with my eyes what looks good and natural, and this isn't it. I see that you have concerns too so I understand. Have you shared your concerns with your clinic to see what they have to say? Perhaps you should consult with other well respected clinics and get their input on your existing procedure and the best way to move forward. Perhaps Hairthere can provide you with some direction for example.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for both your replies.


Oh no. This is my worst fears realised.


I already blown my budget on getting this treatment. :(


Im really sad and frustrated to hear this as I feel I now my trust and confidence has been taken advantage of as the clinic stated thier years of experience happy customers.


Scalp Micro-Pigmentation | HPT® | HAIR ink.


I have spoken before the 3rd treatment about some of the concerns about some of the pigments and was told not to worry and can be taken care of.


I havent said anything yet after the 3rd session as I wanted to double check if it was all in my head. Plus they said to wait some time before doing the 4th session to see how it settles and its been 17 days.


Now I don't know how I'm going to approach them and tackle this.

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  • Senior Member

I'd be happy to advise you further if you like. I know of some quality clinics in the UK that can help. However, they will likely advise you to remove what's been done first. Just reach out to me via email at aheadink@gmail.com


Unfortunately there are many SMP practitioners who claim they have more experience than they actually do or who think they are doing the treatment the right way because that is how they were trained. I can tell you with utmost certainty though that another round like this will only make your situation worse.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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P.S. Here is your scalp on the left after 3 passes and one of my clients on the right after 3 passes.


I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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