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Side Effects From Finastride, Lower Dose Or Quit Cold Turkey?


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So i started with 1mg generic finastride ED, a couple a months in i lost my morning wood and had trouble keeping an erection. I lowered the does to 0.5mg ED and it helped with the sides.


Now 8 months in total and on 0.5mg Finasteride ED for the last 3-4 months i started to get sides again.

Low libido (fluctuating), weak boner and trouble keeping an erection.

I tried to masturbate yesterday and the boner was pathetic, like 60-70% of full capacity. and i've lost my erection during sex a couple of times now.


The thing that makes this hard for me to evaluate (except for the weak boner) is that i have a history of ED when im with new people and not completely relaxed. I have taken boner pills with new partners for the last 7 years. I have never had problems with ED when with a stable partner.


Im meting a girl tonight that im 100% relaxed with to make the final evaluation. Thing that concern me though is that i dont feel excited or horny what so ever thinking about having sex with her (witch i normally do). So again, my libido is an concern, im usually a very "horny" guy.


The Finastride works really good for my hair, i noticed my sides are coming in stronger and my hair loss i stable. I have a full head of hair (after two FUE:s on the front) and im in it just to maintain.


So what should i do? Take a break until everything is "normal" again and then start with a lower does?


Just lower the does and see if the sides get better?


Continue on the same path and wait to see if it gets better?


Quit and just admit that this is not for mer?


Thoughts and tips here are appreciated.

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If you are experiencing side effects from finasteride you have a few options. 1, as you said, you can reduce your dose and see if that helps. If not, you can always quit and in most cases, side effects will cease and everything will go back to normal. Regrettably however, any benefit you experience from the medication will no longer occur.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member


If you are experiencing side effects from finasteride you have a few options. 1, as you said, you can reduce your dose and see if that helps. If not, you can always quit and in most cases, side effects will cease and everything will go back to normal. Regrettably however, any benefit you experience from the medication will no longer occur.


Best wishes,




Thank you Bill!


Just read your entire HT journey. inspiring to say the least. Gives me hope for the future. I only used 3500 grafts so far so i have a good reserve for future hair loss.


Im gonna stick with it for a while and assess some more. I dont think i will quit completly in worst case but lower the does and combine with something else maybe. I just take Fin for my hair loss atm.

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If the sides are not tolerable, quit for a month or so then try again with reduced dosage spaced part.

If tolerable try .5mg 2-3x week for example and see if that helps.


As many know I cycle on/off Fin and I don't see any major changes until stopping for 7 months.

My current dosage is .625mg 2x week Tues and Fridays (you can search my thread if so inclined).


good luck man

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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